Time Function Category
Functions that deal with time.
Name | Brief Description |
ActionWait | Adds a wait action to an objects queue. |
DelayCommand | Delays an assigned action for a period of time. |
EffectTimeStop | Returns a new effect object. |
GetCalendarDay | Retrieves the current in-game calendar day. |
GetCalendarMonth | Determines the current in-game calendar month. |
GetCalendarYear | Determine the current in-game calendar year. |
GetIsDawn | Determines if it's currently dawn. |
GetIsDay | Determines if it is currently day. |
GetIsDusk | Determines if it is currently dusk. |
GetIsNight | Determines if it is currently night. |
GetRandomDelay | Generates a random number between two values used for time delays. |
GetTimeHour | Gets the current hour. |
GetTimeMillisecond | Gets the current millisecond. |
GetTimeMinute | Gets the current minute. |
GetTimeSecond | Gets the current second. |
HoursToSeconds | This function calculates the number of actual seconds in n game hour(s). |
RoundsToSeconds | Converts a number of rounds into seconds. |
SetCalendar | Set calendar date for the module. |
SetTime | Sets the game's current time. |
TurnsToSeconds | Convert turns into seconds. |