Type Casting/Conversion Function Category

Functions that convert one variable type to another variable type.


NameBrief Description
AngleToVectorConverts an angle into a vector.
FloatToIntConverts a number with a decimal into a number without one.
FloatToStringConverts a float into a string.
IntToFloatThis function converts an int to a float of the same value.
IntToHexStringThis function converts an int to a string representation of the same hexadecimal value.
IntToStringThis function converts an int to a string representation of the same value.
IPGetDamagePowerConstantFromNumberConverts a number to a damage power constant
RoundsToSecondsConverts a number of rounds into seconds.
StringToFloatConverts a string into a floating point number.
StringToIntConverts a string to an integer.
TalentFeatCreates a talent that corresponds to an associated D&D feat.
TurnsToSecondsConvert turns into seconds.
VectorToAngleConverts a vector variable to an angle.
VectorToStringTurn a vector into a string.
YardsToMetersGets the number of meters in a number of yards.

See Also

Function Categories