
Library to generate highlights on objects.


NameBrief Description
AddHighlightApply a highlight effect to an object. Lasts permanently until removed.

A few good ones, although any VFX_DUR_ effect can be used:
VFX_DUR_ETHEREAL_VISAGE: glowing, purple, transparent
VFX_DUR_GHOSTLY_VISAGE: glowing, blue, transparent
VFX_DUR_BLUR: alternating blue/white pulsing glow
VFX_DUR_PARALYZED: alternating red/white pulsing glow
VFX_DUR_PROT_SHADOW_ARMOR: shimmery opaque black glow
VFX_DUR_MIND_AFFECTING_DOMINATED: spinning crown of lights
VFX_DUR_MIND_AFFECTING_DISABLED: crown of sparkling lights
AddTemporaryHighlightAdds a temporary highlight to an object.
RemoveHighlightRemove the highlight from an object. If not specified, removes the last-added highlight, although this default behavior will NOT work twice in a row to remove multiple highlights.
TriggerAddHighlightThis function is intended for use in a trigger OnEnter script. Add a highlight to the nearest object with the same tag as the trigger when a PC enters the trigger area.
TriggerRemoveHighlightThis function is intended for use in a trigger OnExit script. Remove the highlight from the nearest object with the same tag as the trigger when a PC exits the trigger area.

  author: Mistress