Spell Casting Effects Function Category

Spell Casting Effect related functions.


NameBrief Description
ActionCastFakeSpellAtLocationDisplay casting animation and spell visuals without subsequent spell effects.
ActionCastFakeSpellAtObjectDisplay casting animation and spell visuals without subsequent spell effects.
ActionCastSpellAtLocationCast a spell at a specific location.
ActionCastSpellAtObjectCast a spell at an object.
ApplyEffectToObjectApplies an effect (visual or actual) to an object.
CreateDoomEffectsLinkCreates a linked effect that can be used for all doom effects.
CreateProtectionFromAlignmentLinkCreates a protection from alignment effect.
DoMindBlastFunction for doing mind attacks.
EffectACDecreaseCreates an AC decrease effect.
EffectACIncreaseGives an AC bonus to an object.
EffectBeamCreate a Beam effect.
EffectSlowCreates a slow effect.
EffectSpellLevelAbsorptionReturns a Spell Level Absorption effect
EventSpellCastAtCreates an event which triggers a "spell cast at" reaction.
GetArcaneSpellFailureGets a creature's arcane spell failure factor
GetDefensiveCastingModeRetrieves the defensive casting mode status of a creature.
GetHasSpellEffectDetermines whether an object is under the effects of a spell.
GetMetaMagicFeatGet the type of metamagic used on the last spell.
GetSpellSaveDCDetermines the DC needed to save against the cast spell.
MyResistSpellDetermines and plays animation for resisting a spell when applicable.
MySavingThrowChecks for spell countering by a saving throw.
RunDrownImpactAllows a water elemental to fill its victim’s lungs with water, drowning the victim.
ShadowBoltUsed with Greater Shadow Conjuration spell to cast a damaging bolt towards an NPC.
SoundObjectSetPositionSets the position of a sound object relative to the player(s).
SpellDelayIncorporates a delay on applying special FX and damage FX until cone 'reaches' the target.
TalentSeeInvisibleDetermines if the NPC has the ability to see invisible creatures through feat or spell.
VersusAlignmentEffectSet eEffect to be versus a specific alignment.

See Also

Function Categories