Fully restores a creature
void ForceRest( object oCreature );
Creature to rest
Gives this creature the benefits of a rest (restored hitpoints, spells, feats, etc..)
It can be called if oCreature is in combat (Unlike ActionRest which will automatically fail) and so unless it is a wanted behaviour, mind to make sure oCreature is not in combat first.
The effects of this function occur instantly. The creature doesn't actually go into resting mode. Use ActionRest if that is what you want.
Useful for repelinishing a PC's abilties and things for custom resting systems, dreams, or cutscenes (in which they rest). For NPC's, it is a good way to make sure they will replenish all thier feats and spells after a battle.
Only objects (creatures) who can rest can gain the benifits of this. Calling this on a placable or door (another object with hitpoints), will, sadly, fail.
void main() { // Get Entering Object object oEnterer = GetEnteringObject(); // Make sure it is a PC if(GetIsPC(oEnterer)) { // Rest them ForceRest(oEnterer); // Floaty text - a wizard did it. FloatingTextStringOnCreature("A wizard decided to replenish your health and spells", oEnterer, FALSE); } }
See Also
functions: | ActionRest |
categories: | Action on Object Functions |
author: Lilac Soul, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Jasperre