Action on Object Function Category

Functions used to perform specific actions upon a certain object.


NameBrief Description
ActionAttackInitiates an attack between two creatures or a creature and an object.
ActionCastSpellAtLocationCast a spell at a specific location.
ActionCastSpellAtObjectCast a spell at an object.
ActionCloseDoorAn action that causes an object to close a door.
ActionCounterSpellCauses the caller to enter the counterspell modal combat mode.
ActionDoCommandInserts a command into the Action Queue.
ActionEquipItemPuts an item in possession into an inventory slot.
ActionEquipMostDamagingMeleeCauses the calling creature to equip its most damaging weapon.
ActionEquipMostDamagingRangedCauses the calling creature to equip the most damaging ranged weapon in its inventory.
ActionEquipMostEffectiveArmorCauses the calling creature to equip the best armor in its inventory.
ActionForceFollowObjectForces an NPC to follow an object.
ActionForceMoveToLocationAttempts to move an NPC to a location.
ActionForceMoveToObjectAttempts to move an NPC to a certain distance of a target object even if a clear path doesn't exist.
ActionGiveItemGives a specified item to a target creature.
ActionInteractObjectCauses a creature or PC to use an object.
ActionJumpToLocationInstantly sends the calling object to the position of locTarget.
ActionJumpToObjectTeleports the calling object to the nearest valid location by the target.
ActionLockObjectAn action that will cause a creature to lock a door or other unlocked object.
ActionMoveToLocationMoves an NPC to a location before executing further actions in the action queue.
ActionMoveToObjectCause action subject to move to a certain distance of a target object.
ActionOpenDoorAn action that will cause a creature to open a door.
ActionPauseConversationPause the current conversation.
ActionPickUpItemCauses subject to run to an item and place it in inventory.
ActionPlayAnimationPlays an animation (fire and forget, looping, or placeable) before executing the next action in the queue.
ActionPsionicCharmAttempts a confusion attack on target.
ActionPsionicMBAttempts a stun attack in a cone shaped spell out to 15.0 meters.
ActionPutDownItemCauses the subject to place an item on the ground at it's feet.
ActionRandomWalkCauses the subject to walk to a random location close to itself.
ActionRestCauses the creature to rest.
ActionResumeConversationResume a conversation after it has been paused.
ActionSitCauses a creature to attempt to sit on something.
ActionSpeakStringCauses an object to speak.
ActionSpeakStringByStrRefCauses the creature to speak a translated string.
ActionStartConversationNPC action to start a conversation with a PC
ActionTakeItemTakes an item from an object
ActionUnequipItemMakes the executing creature unequip an object and place it in their inventory.
ActionUnlockObjectCauses a creature to unlock a door or other locked object.
ActionUseFeatCauses an NPC to use a feat on oTarget.
ActionUseSkillCauses a creature to attempt to use a skill on another object.
ActionUseTalentOnObjectUse tChosenTalent on oTarget.
ActionWaitAdds a wait action to an objects queue.
AnimActionChallengeIntruderChallenges a PC from an NPC if they have not yet been challenged.
AssignCommandAssigns an action command to a creature to act on.
BeginConversationAttempts to start a conversation immediately.
CheckCurrentModesCheck to see if we should switch on or off the detect or stealth modes.
CheckIsCivilizedMarks the caller as civilized based on its racialtype.
ClearActionsThis is a wrapper for ClearAllActions.
ClearAllActionsClears currently queued actions from the calling object.
ClearAssociateActionsClear the actions of one of each type of the PC's associates
ClearNearbyFriendActionsClears the actions of a creature and all nearby friends
DayToNightChanges the current Day/Night cycle for this player to night
DelayCommandDelays an assigned action for a period of time.
DestroyObjectDestroy an object.
DoDoorActionDoes specific action to target door.
DoPlaceableObjectActionStarts a placeable object special action.
EquipAppropriateWeaponsCause a creature to ready an appropriate weapon.
EventActivateItemReturns an event of type Activate Item.
EventConversationReturns an event of type Conversation.
EventUserDefinedReturns an event of the type nUserDefinedEventNumber.
ForceRestFully restores a creature
GetCurrentActionReturns the currently executing Action.
GetDamageDealtByTypeDetermines the amount of damage of a specific type dealt to an object.
GetEnteringObjectGets the object that last opened or entered the calling object.
GetExitingObjectGet the object that last left the calling object.
GetIdentifiedDetermines whether an object has been identified.
GetIsPlaceableObjectActionPossibleCheck whether a given action is valid for a given placeable object.
GetItemActivatedRetrieve the item which was activated to trigger the module's OnActivateItem event.
GetItemActivatedTargetDetermine the activated item's target.
GetItemActivatedTargetLocationDetermine the location of the activated item's target.
GetItemActivatorRetrieve the creature which activated an item.
GetLastClosedByDetermine which creature closed a door or placeable.
GetLastDisarmedDetermine who last disarmed a trapped trigger, door or placeable object.
GetLockKeyRequiredCheck whether an object requires a specific key to be unlocked.
GiveGoldToCreatureCreates the specified amount of gold on the creature.
GiveXPToCreatureGives an amount of experience to the specified creature.
JumpToLocationThis is a command to move instantly to the location referenced by lLocation.
JumpToObjectTeleports the calling object to the nearest valid location by the target.
KillAndExplodeKill and leave an exploding corpse.
KillAndReplaceDecayKill and leave a decorative corpse that will decay after a short while.
KillAndReplaceDecorativeKill and leave a purely decorative corpse (no name, not raiseable).
KillAndReplaceLootableKill and leave a lootable corpse.
KillAndReplaceRaiseableKill and leave a raiseable and selectable corpse.
KillAndReplaceSelectableKill and leave a selectable corpse.
MakeDrunkGets a creature drunk.
MoveToNewLocationTells the object to move to a new location
NightToDayChanges the current Day/Night cycle for this player to daylight
PlayConversationAnimationMakes caller face a PC and play an animation.
RaiseCorpseRaise a given corpse from the dead with the given visual effect.
RewardPartyGPGive gold to PC or PC's entire party
SetActionModeSets the status of an action mode on a creature
SetAnimationConditionMark that the given creature has the given condition set.
SetCreatureAppearanceTypeChange a creature's appearance
SetColorSets the color for the specified color channel.
SetCreatureBodyPartSets the body part model to be used on the creature specified.
SetCreatureTailTypeSets the tail type of the creature specified.
SetCreatureHomeWaypointCheck for a waypoint marked NW_HOME in the area; if it exists, mark it as the caller's home waypoint.
SetCreatureWingTypeSets the wing type of the creature specified.
SetCurrentFriendSet a specific creature as the caller's friend.
SetCurrentInteractionTargetSet an object as the caller's interactive target.
SetDescriptionSets the description of an object.
SetHardnessSets the hardness of a door or placeable.
SetIsDestroyableSets whether an object is destroyable.
SetItemChargesSets the number of charges left on a given item.
SetItemStackSizeSet the number of items in a given stack.
SetKeyRequiredFeedbackSet the feedback message that is displayed when trying to unlock the object.
SetLockKeyRequiredWhen set the object can not be opened unless the opener possesses the required key.
SetLockKeyTagSet the key tag required to open the object.
SetLockLockableSets whether or not the object can be locked.
SetLockLockDCSets the DC for locking the object.
SetLockUnlockDCSets the DC for unlocking the object.
SetNameSet the name of an object.
SetObjectIsDestroyableConvenience function to set an object to be destroyable.
SetPortraitIdChange the portrait of the object to use the specified portrait id.
SetPortraitResRefChange the portrait of the object to use the portrait ResRef.
SetUseableFlagSet a placeable's useable object status.
ShoutDisturbedTurns NPCs of the container's faction hostile towards the PC that destroyed or opened the container.
SKIN_SupportEquipSkinForces a creature to equip a skin item in its creature armor inventory slot.
SoundObjectSetPositionSets the position of a sound object relative to the player(s).
SoundObjectSetVolumeThis function will set the volume of a placed sound object, great for creating mood effects.
SplitCreatureHandles the "split" functionality of the Ochre Jellies.
TalentFleeMake the calling object flee from another object.

See Also

Function Categories

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Axe Murderer