Action on Object Function Category
Functions used to perform specific actions upon a certain object.
Name | Brief Description |
ActionAttack | Initiates an attack between two creatures or a creature and an object. |
ActionCastSpellAtLocation | Cast a spell at a specific location. |
ActionCastSpellAtObject | Cast a spell at an object. |
ActionCloseDoor | An action that causes an object to close a door. |
ActionCounterSpell | Causes the caller to enter the counterspell modal combat mode. |
ActionDoCommand | Inserts a command into the Action Queue. |
ActionEquipItem | Puts an item in possession into an inventory slot. |
ActionEquipMostDamagingMelee | Causes the calling creature to equip its most damaging weapon. |
ActionEquipMostDamagingRanged | Causes the calling creature to equip the most damaging ranged weapon in its inventory. |
ActionEquipMostEffectiveArmor | Causes the calling creature to equip the best armor in its inventory. |
ActionForceFollowObject | Forces an NPC to follow an object. |
ActionForceMoveToLocation | Attempts to move an NPC to a location. |
ActionForceMoveToObject | Attempts to move an NPC to a certain distance of a target object even if a clear path doesn't exist. |
ActionGiveItem | Gives a specified item to a target creature. |
ActionInteractObject | Causes a creature or PC to use an object. |
ActionJumpToLocation | Instantly sends the calling object to the position of locTarget. |
ActionJumpToObject | Teleports the calling object to the nearest valid location by the target. |
ActionLockObject | An action that will cause a creature to lock a door or other unlocked object. |
ActionMoveToLocation | Moves an NPC to a location before executing further actions in the action queue. |
ActionMoveToObject | Cause action subject to move to a certain distance of a target object. |
ActionOpenDoor | An action that will cause a creature to open a door. |
ActionPauseConversation | Pause the current conversation. |
ActionPickUpItem | Causes subject to run to an item and place it in inventory. |
ActionPlayAnimation | Plays an animation (fire and forget, looping, or placeable) before executing the next action in the queue. |
ActionPsionicCharm | Attempts a confusion attack on target. |
ActionPsionicMB | Attempts a stun attack in a cone shaped spell out to 15.0 meters. |
ActionPutDownItem | Causes the subject to place an item on the ground at it's feet. |
ActionRandomWalk | Causes the subject to walk to a random location close to itself. |
ActionRest | Causes the creature to rest. |
ActionResumeConversation | Resume a conversation after it has been paused. |
ActionSit | Causes a creature to attempt to sit on something. |
ActionSpeakString | Causes an object to speak. |
ActionSpeakStringByStrRef | Causes the creature to speak a translated string. |
ActionStartConversation | NPC action to start a conversation with a PC |
ActionTakeItem | Takes an item from an object |
ActionUnequipItem | Makes the executing creature unequip an object and place it in their inventory. |
ActionUnlockObject | Causes a creature to unlock a door or other locked object. |
ActionUseFeat | Causes an NPC to use a feat on oTarget. |
ActionUseSkill | Causes a creature to attempt to use a skill on another object. |
ActionUseTalentOnObject | Use tChosenTalent on oTarget. |
ActionWait | Adds a wait action to an objects queue. |
AnimActionChallengeIntruder | Challenges a PC from an NPC if they have not yet been challenged. |
AssignCommand | Assigns an action command to a creature to act on. |
BeginConversation | Attempts to start a conversation immediately. |
CheckCurrentModes | Check to see if we should switch on or off the detect or stealth modes. |
CheckIsCivilized | Marks the caller as civilized based on its racialtype. |
ClearActions | This is a wrapper for ClearAllActions. |
ClearAllActions | Clears currently queued actions from the calling object. |
ClearAssociateActions | Clear the actions of one of each type of the PC's associates |
ClearNearbyFriendActions | Clears the actions of a creature and all nearby friends |
DayToNight | Changes the current Day/Night cycle for this player to night |
DelayCommand | Delays an assigned action for a period of time. |
DestroyObject | Destroy an object. |
DoDoorAction | Does specific action to target door. |
DoPlaceableObjectAction | Starts a placeable object special action. |
EquipAppropriateWeapons | Cause a creature to ready an appropriate weapon. |
EventActivateItem | Returns an event of type Activate Item. |
EventConversation | Returns an event of type Conversation. |
EventUserDefined | Returns an event of the type nUserDefinedEventNumber. |
ForceRest | Fully restores a creature |
GetCurrentAction | Returns the currently executing Action. |
GetDamageDealtByType | Determines the amount of damage of a specific type dealt to an object. |
GetEnteringObject | Gets the object that last opened or entered the calling object. |
GetExitingObject | Get the object that last left the calling object. |
GetIdentified | Determines whether an object has been identified. |
GetIsPlaceableObjectActionPossible | Check whether a given action is valid for a given placeable object. |
GetItemActivated | Retrieve the item which was activated to trigger the module's OnActivateItem event. |
GetItemActivatedTarget | Determine the activated item's target. |
GetItemActivatedTargetLocation | Determine the location of the activated item's target. |
GetItemActivator | Retrieve the creature which activated an item. |
GetLastClosedBy | Determine which creature closed a door or placeable. |
GetLastDisarmed | Determine who last disarmed a trapped trigger, door or placeable object. |
GetLockKeyRequired | Check whether an object requires a specific key to be unlocked. |
GiveGoldToCreature | Creates the specified amount of gold on the creature. |
GiveXPToCreature | Gives an amount of experience to the specified creature. |
JumpToLocation | This is a command to move instantly to the location referenced by lLocation. |
JumpToObject | Teleports the calling object to the nearest valid location by the target. |
KillAndExplode | Kill and leave an exploding corpse. |
KillAndReplaceDecay | Kill and leave a decorative corpse that will decay after a short while. |
KillAndReplaceDecorative | Kill and leave a purely decorative corpse (no name, not raiseable). |
KillAndReplaceLootable | Kill and leave a lootable corpse. |
KillAndReplaceRaiseable | Kill and leave a raiseable and selectable corpse. |
KillAndReplaceSelectable | Kill and leave a selectable corpse. |
MakeDrunk | Gets a creature drunk. |
MoveToNewLocation | Tells the object to move to a new location |
NightToDay | Changes the current Day/Night cycle for this player to daylight |
PlayConversationAnimation | Makes caller face a PC and play an animation. |
RaiseCorpse | Raise a given corpse from the dead with the given visual effect. |
RewardPartyGP | Give gold to PC or PC's entire party |
SetActionMode | Sets the status of an action mode on a creature |
SetAnimationCondition | Mark that the given creature has the given condition set. |
SetCreatureAppearanceType | Change a creature's appearance |
SetColor | Sets the color for the specified color channel. |
SetCreatureBodyPart | Sets the body part model to be used on the creature specified. |
SetCreatureTailType | Sets the tail type of the creature specified. |
SetCreatureHomeWaypoint | Check for a waypoint marked NW_HOME in the area; if it exists, mark it as the caller's home waypoint. |
SetCreatureWingType | Sets the wing type of the creature specified. |
SetCurrentFriend | Set a specific creature as the caller's friend. |
SetCurrentInteractionTarget | Set an object as the caller's interactive target. |
SetDescription | Sets the description of an object. |
SetHardness | Sets the hardness of a door or placeable. |
SetIsDestroyable | Sets whether an object is destroyable. |
SetItemCharges | Sets the number of charges left on a given item. |
SetItemStackSize | Set the number of items in a given stack. |
SetKeyRequiredFeedback | Set the feedback message that is displayed when trying to unlock the object. |
SetLockKeyRequired | When set the object can not be opened unless the opener possesses the required key. |
SetLockKeyTag | Set the key tag required to open the object. |
SetLockLockable | Sets whether or not the object can be locked. |
SetLockLockDC | Sets the DC for locking the object. |
SetLockUnlockDC | Sets the DC for unlocking the object. |
SetName | Set the name of an object. |
SetObjectIsDestroyable | Convenience function to set an object to be destroyable. |
SetPortraitId | Change the portrait of the object to use the specified portrait id. |
SetPortraitResRef | Change the portrait of the object to use the portrait ResRef. |
SetUseableFlag | Set a placeable's useable object status. |
ShoutDisturbed | Turns NPCs of the container's faction hostile towards the PC that destroyed or opened the container. |
SKIN_SupportEquipSkin | Forces a creature to equip a skin item in its creature armor inventory slot. |
SoundObjectSetPosition | Sets the position of a sound object relative to the player(s). |
SoundObjectSetVolume | This function will set the volume of a placed sound object, great for creating mood effects. |
SplitCreature | Handles the "split" functionality of the Ochre Jellies. |
TalentFlee | Make the calling object flee from another object. |
See Also
author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Axe Murderer