ActionUseFeat(int, object)
Causes an NPC to use a feat on oTarget.
void ActionUseFeat( int nFeat, object oTarget );
The object to be the target of the Feat.
ActionUseFeat causes the actor to use the specified feat on the target object (if appropriate). If the actor doesn't have the Feat, this action does nothing.
Only useable feats with a target can be used with this action. Feats such as Alertness, Martial Weapon Proficiency and so on cannot be used, of course.
This action cannot be assigned to PCs.
There is no way to make an NPC use a feat it doesn't have, there is no "Cheat" option, however, the new IncrementRemainingFeatUses() allows constant use of a feat - if they started out by knowing it.
To remove feats, however, from being used, any useable ones can be decremented with DecrementRemainingFeatUses().
// In 'Actions Taken' script of conversation node from // an NPC with the 'Lay on Hands' feat: ActionUseFeat( FEAT_LAY_ON_HANDS, GetPCSpeaker() );
See Also
functions: | ActionUseSkill | ActionUseTalentAtLocation | ActionUseTalentOnObject | GetHasFeatEffect |
categories: | Action on Object Functions | Combat Functions | Talents/Skills/Feats Functions |
constants: | FEAT_* Constants |
author: Iskander Merriman, editor: Jasperre