
Determine the activated item's target.

object GetItemActivatedTarget();


Returns activated item's target as an object. Use this in a module's OnActivateItem event to get the activated item's target.


This function should only be used in a module's OnActivateItem event script, because that's the only place it makes sense to refer to an activated item.

Note that "item" refers to inventory objects. You can't use OnActivateItem to refer to a placeable object, such as a trap or switch. In those cases, use the placeable object's OnUsed event, or the trap's OnEnter event.




//A rod of Healing that only heals good creatures.  Place this
//in the module's OnActivateItem event
void main()
    oItem = GetItemActivated();

    if ( GetTag( oItem ) == "ROD_HEALGOOD" )
        oTarget = GetItemActivatedTarget();
        if ( GetAlignmentGoodEvil( oTarget ) == ALIGNMENT_GOOD )
            effect eHeal = EffectHeal( 10 );
            ApplyEffectToObect( DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eHeal, oTarget );

See Also

functions: GetItemActivatedTargetLocation
categories: Action on Object Functions
events: OnActivateItem Event

 author: Jason Harris, editor: Kristian Markon