
Used in the OnClick event to return the clicking object.

object GetClickingObject();


Use this in a trigger's OnClick event script to get the object that last clicked on it. This is identical to GetEnteringObject.


The reason for it being identical to GetEnteringObject() is that triggers, or course, can be said to be clicked on, or entered, when a transition is used.

This function is of course not meant to be used outside cirtain events, as it can return long dead or invalid creatures.




// cause a PC that attempts to open a locked door to utter
// some nonsense about requiring a key in a door's OnFailToOpen
// event
void main()
    object oPC = GetClickingObject();

    if (GetIsObjectValid(oPC))
        AssignCommand(oPC, SpeakString("I need to find the key..."));
        SpeakString("NO VALID TEMP PC");

See Also

functions: GetEnteringObject
categories: Get Data Functions
events: OnClick Event

 author: Ryan Hunt, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Fred Brent, Charles Feduke, Jasperre