
Get the creature that lost the item on an OnUnAcquiredItem event.

object GetModuleItemLostBy();


Returns the object that dropped an item triggering the OnUnAcquiredItem event. On error this function will return OBJECT_INVALID; this should not be possible as the event is triggered by an item drop, but if you trigger the event manually then be aware of this error.


We know that the OnUnacquireItem fires for objects destroyed by
DestroyObject, right? Well, the object returned by this function is not
OBJECT_INVALID in this case, but it is also not an existing object so any
usage of it does not function correctly. Instead of checking for
OBJECT_INVALID, the users of this function should always use
GetIsObjectValid, which returns FALSE for the case mentioned above.




// This will find the name of the creature the item was dropped by.
void main()
    object a = GetModuleItemLost();
    if(a == OBJECT_INVALID)
        SendMessageToPC(GetFirstPC(),"OOPS A CRASH ME THINKS");
    else {
        a = GetModuleItemLostBy();
        if(a == OBJECT_INVALID)
            SendMessageToPC(GetFirstPC(),"OOPS A CRASH ME THINKS");
            SendMessageToPC(GetFirstPC(),"And was dropped by " + GetTag(a));

See Also

functions: GetModuleItemAcquired | GetModuleItemAcquiredFrom | GetModuleItemLost
categories: Inventory Functions | Module Functions
events: OnAcquireItem Event | OnUnAcquireItem Event

 author: GoLeM, editor: Charles Feduke, additional contributor(s): Charles Mead, Timothy Dang, Matthew Green, David Kondrad