GetRandomObjectByTag(string, float)

Get a random nearby object within the specified distance with the specified tag.

object GetRandomObjectByTag(
    string sTag,
    float fMaxDistance



The tag of the object you want to find.


This number is used to figure the nNth object to get.


Get a random nearby object within the specified distance with the specified tag.


Returns a valid object on success, OBJECT_INVALID on failure.

This uses GetNearestObjectByTag to find the object.

You can use the DISTANCE_* constants if you want for fMaxDistance.

Known Bugs

There are some quirks in how fMaxDistance is used to find the requested object. If fMaxDistance is set to DISTANCE_SHORT (3.0), then d2 is sent to GetNearestObjectByTag as the nNth parameter. If fMaxDistance is set to DISTANCE_MEDIUM (5.0), then d4 is sent. ALL other values of fMaxDistance result in d6 being sent.

Meaning, if you send in a distance of DISTANCE_TINY (1.0) you could actually end up with an object that is 6.0 distance away.


#include "x0_i0_anims"




// Find the nearest object with the tag "CLN_BARAGG".
#include "x0_i0_anims"

void main()
   // Looking for an object with the tag "CLN_BARAGG" at 50.0 meters away.
   object oThing = GetRandomObjectByTag("CLN_BARAGG", 50.0);
   if(TRUE == GetIsObjectValid(oThing))
      // Object found!  Do what you want with it in here.

See Also

functions:  GetNearestObject | GetNearestObjectByTag | GetRandomObjectByType
constants:  DISTANCE_*
categories:  Get Data from Object Functions

author: Baragg, editor: Mistress