Get Data from Object Function Category

A function that returns data from an object.


NameBrief Description
CreatePersonalItemOnCreates an personal item on the provided NPC.
EndModuleUsed for determining if the current module is an end module.
GetAreaOfEffectCreatorGets the creator of an Area of Effect object.
GetBaseItemTypeDetermines the basic template for the item specified.
GetColorGets the color assigned to the specified color channel.
GetCurrentHitPointsDetermines the number of hit points someone currently has.
GetDescriptionGets the description of an object.
GetFacingFromLocationGet the facing value from a location variable.
GetFirstItemPropertyDetermines the first itemproperty on an item
GetHardnessDetermines the hardness of a door or placeable object.
GetIsAreaAboveGroundDetermines whether an area is above ground or not.
GetIsAreaNaturalReturns whether an area is natural or not
GetIsInSubAreaChecks if a creature has triggered an OnEnter event
GetIsMagicalItemReturns TRUE if oItem has any item property that classifies it as magical item.
GetIsObjectValidDetermines whether an object is valid.
GetIsOpenCheck whether a placeable or door is currently open.
GetIsTrappedCheck whether an object is trapped.
GetIsWeaponEffectiveCheck whether script owner's equipped weapon is able to damage a given object.
GetItemACValueGet the armor class (AC) of an item.
GetItemAppearanceReturns the appearance of an item
GetItemChargesRetrieves the number of charges remaining on a given item.
GetItemCursedFlagChecks if an item is cursed
GetItemHasItemPropertyCheck whether an item has a given property.
GetItemStackSizeRetrieves the number of similar items in a stack.
GetKeyRequiredFeedbackGet the feedback message that will be displayed when trying to unlock the object.
GetLastAttackerDetermine who last attacked a creature, door or placeable object.
GetLastHostileActorGets the last living, non plot creature that performed a hostile act against the object.
GetLastLockedGet the last object that locked the caller.
GetLastOpenedByGet the last creature that opened the caller.
GetLastSpellHarmfulDetermines whether the last spell cast was harmful.
GetLastUnlockedDetermines who unlocked the object or placeable.
GetLastUsedByGet the last object that used the placeable object that is calling this function.
GetLocalFloatGet the value of a decimal number stored on an object.
GetLocalIntGet the value of a whole number stored on an object.
GetLocalLocationGet the data describing a location stored on an object.
GetLocalObjectGet the data describing an object stored on an object.
GetLocalStringGet the value of a string of characters stored on an object.
GetLockedCheck whether a given object is locked.
GetLockKeyRequiredCheck whether an object requires a specific key to be unlocked.
GetLockKeyTagGets the tag of the key that will open the lock on an object
GetLockLockableCheck whether or not an object is lockable.
GetLockLockDCFind a lock's lock DC.
GetLockUnlockDCFind a lock's unlock DC.
GetMeleeWeaponReturns TRUE if the item is a melee weapon.
GetNameRetrieves the name of an object.
GetNearestObjectGets the nearest object, which matches given criteria, to the selected target.
GetNearestObjectByTagReturns the nearest object to a target by searching for the object’s tag value.
GetNearestObjectToLocationReturns the nearest object, which is of a specified type, to a given location.
GetNextItemPropertyDetermines the next itemproperty on an item
GetObjectByTagRetrieves an object based on the tag given to it.
GetObjectTypeDetermines what type the object is.
GetPercentageHPLossDetermines how wounded a creature is as a percentage of their maximum HP.
GetPlaceableLastClickedByDetermines the last object that default clicked (left clicked) on the placeable object.
GetPlotFlagDetermines whether an object is flagged as plot item.
GetPortraitIdDetermines the portraits.2da row number of the portrait.
GetPortraitResRefDetermines the portrait resref of the object.
GetPositionDetermines the position of a creature or object.
GetRandomFriendGet a random nearby friend within the specified distance limit, that isn't busy doing something else.
GetRandomObjectByTagGet a random nearby object within the specified distance with the specified tag.
GetRandomObjectByTypeGet a random nearby object within the specified distance with the specified type.
GetRandomStopReturns a randomly selected object with the tag "NW_STOP" that is within the area of the calling object.
GetResRefReturns the ResRef of an object.
GetSittingCreatureDetermines which creature sitting on a particular object.
GetSlashingWeaponReturns TRUE if the item is a slashing weapon.
GetTagDetermine the tag associated with an object.
GetTileMainLight1ColorDetermines the color of the first main light of a tile.
GetTransitionTargetGets the associated transitional target.
GetUseableFlagDetermines if a placeable object is useable.
GetWeaponRangedChecks whether a given item is a ranged weapon.
GetWeatherGets the current weather conditions for a given area
GetWeightRetrieves the weight of an individual item, or the weight of all objects carried by a single creature.
InvisibleTrueReturns TRUE if the object is hidden either magically or via stealth.
IPGetHasItemPropertyByConstReturns whether an item has an itemproperty.
IPGetHasItemPropertyOnCharacterReturns whether a character has an item with a certain itemproperty type equipped.
IPGetHasUseLimitationReturns whether an item has any usage limitations.
IPGetIsBludgeoningWeaponChecks if an item is a bludgeoning weapon.
IPGetIsIntelligentWeaponReturns whether an item has the intelligent itemproperty.
IPGetIsItemEquipableChecks if an item can be equipped.
IPGetIsMeleeWeaponChecks if an item is a melee weapon.
IPGetIsProjectileChecks if an item is a projectile.
IPGetIsRangedWeaponChecks if an item is a ranged weapon.
IPGetItemHasItemOnHitPropertySubTypeChecks if an item has a specified onhit subtype itemproperty.
IPGetItemHasPropertyChecks if an item has a matching itemproperty.
IPGetNextArmorAppearanceTypeReturns the next valid appearance type for an armor.
IPGetNumberOfAppearancesReturns the number of armor part variations for the specified part.
IPGetNumberOfItemPropertiesReturns the number of item properties present on an item.
IPGetPrevArmorAppearanceTypeReturns the armor's previous valid appearance type for the specified part.
IPGetWeaponEnhancementBonusReturns a weapon's enhancement bonus.
IsMiscReturns true if the basetype of the item is one of the misc. types of basetype.
IsValidBaseItemChecks to see if the baseitem type matches the one in the array AND if the item is "magical"
PlayerWearsUniformChecks if a PC has a certain uniform equipped.
SetIdentifiedSets whether an object has been identified.
SetLockedLocks or unlocks a door or placeable.
StringToRGBStringGiven a string and an RGB color encoded string, this function returns an equivalent string that will display in the specified color.

See Also

Function Categories