Retrieves the weight of an individual item, or the weight of all objects carried by a single creature.
int GetWeight( object oTarget = OBJECT_SELF );
Target to determine the weight of. (Default: OBJECT_SELF)
Returns the weight of an individual item. When used on a creature, returns the weight of all items combined carried by that creature (not the creature's actual weight by itself).
The number returned isn’t in lbs, it’s in tenths of lbs. I tested it with a PC carrying 82 lbs worth of gear, and was shocked to learn that her weight was 818!
The function returns 0 on anything that isn’t an item or doesn’t have items in its inventory. A creature without anything in its inventory has a weight of 0, as does doors, invalid objects, placeables without inventories or empty inventories, etc.
See Also
categories: | Get Data from Creature Functions | Get Data from Object Functions | Inventory Functions |
author: Charles Feduke, editor: Lilac Soul