SetIdentified(object, int)

Sets whether an object has been identified.

void SetIdentified(
    object oItem,
    int bIdentified



The item to have its identified flag altered.


TRUE if the object is identified, otherwise FALSE.


Sets whether oItem has been identified.

If bIdentified equals TRUE the item will be mark as having been identified, otherwise it will be marked as not identified.


A common use for this function could be to make a henchman identify items.




//This is the x1_hen_identify script used by BioWare to make a henchman
//identify stuff for the PC.

// Henchman tries to identify all items in his and the player's inventory.

void IdentifyAll(object oObject, object oMaster);

void main()
    object oPC = GetMaster(OBJECT_SELF);
    IdentifyAll(oPC, oPC);
    IdentifyAll(OBJECT_SELF, oPC);

void IdentifyAll(object oObject, object oPC)

    int nMyLore = GetSkillRank(SKILL_LORE, OBJECT_SELF); // henchman lore rank
    int nItemValue; // gold value of item
    string sMaxValue = Get2DAString("SkillVsItemCost", "DeviceCostMax", nMyLore); // max value that the henchman can id
    int nMaxValue = StringToInt(sMaxValue);

    // * Handle overflow (November 2003 - BK)
    if (sMaxValue == "")
        nMaxValue = 120000000;

    object oItem = GetFirstItemInInventory(oObject);
    while(oItem != OBJECT_INVALID)
            SetIdentified(oItem, TRUE); // setting TRUE to get the true value of the item
            nItemValue = GetGoldPieceValue(oItem);
            SetIdentified(oItem, FALSE); // back to FALSE
            if(nMaxValue >= nItemValue)
                SetIdentified(oItem, TRUE);
                SendMessageToPC(oPC, GetName(OBJECT_SELF) + " " +  GetStringByStrRef(75930) + " " + GetName(oItem));
        oItem = GetNextItemInInventory(oObject);

See Also

functions: GetIdentified
categories: Get Data from Object Functions

 author: Tom Cassiotis, editor: Lilac Soul