
Gets the creator of an Area of Effect object.

object GetAreaOfEffectCreator(
    object oAreaOfEffectObject = OBJECT_SELF



The Area of effect object you wish to examine. (Default: OBJECT_SELF)


Returns the creator of oAreaOfEffectObject.
Returns OBJECT_INVALID if oAreaOfEffectObject is not a valid Area of Effect object.

It can return OBJECT_INVALID if the creator is invalid or destroyed. Usually the latter. If this happens for a spell script, almost all ResistSpell() function calls, and Will/Fort/ReflexSave functions will not work properley (as they require creatures to be input). For this reason, Bioware recently (1.59+) have added a destroy call to the start of area-of-effect scripts, to destroy them if the creator is invalid.


Area of Effects are often scripted spells with numerous effects tied to them. This function is best called within the scripts that define an Area of Effect spell.



See Also

functions: GetEffectCreator
categories: Effects Functions | Get Data from Object Functions

 author: John Shuell, editor: Jasperre