Effects Function Category

Functions that deal with various effects.


NameBrief Description
ApplyEffectAtLocationApplies an effect at a location.
ApplyEffectToObjectApplies an effect (visual or actual) to an object.
DepetrifyDepetrifies a specified creature.
DepetrifyWoodDepetrify something that has been turned to wood
EffectAbilityDecreaseCreates an ability decreasing effect on specified ability score.
EffectAbilityIncreaseCreate an effect that increases an objects specified ability score.
EffectACDecreaseCreates an AC decrease effect.
EffectACIncreaseGives an AC bonus to an object.
EffectAppearCreate a special effect to make the object "fly in".
EffectAreaOfEffectReturns a new effect object.
EffectAttackDecreaseCreate an Attack Decrease effect.
EffectAttackIncreaseCreate an Attack Increase effect
EffectBeamCreate a Beam effect.
EffectBlindnessCreate a Blindness effect.
EffectCharmedCreate a Charm effect
EffectConcealmentReturns a new effect object.
EffectConfusedCreates a confusion effect.
EffectCurseCreate a Curse effect.
EffectCutsceneDominatedCreates an effect that is guranteed to dominate a creature.
EffectCutsceneGhostCreates a cutscene ghost effect
EffectCutsceneImmobilizeImmobilize a creature
EffectCutsceneParalyzeCreates an effect that will paralyze a creature for use in a cut-scene.
EffectDamageReturns a new effect object.
EffectDamageDecreaseReturns a new effect object.
EffectDamageImmunityDecreaseCreate a Damage Immunity Decrease effect.
EffectDamageImmunityIncreaseCreates a Damage Immunity Increase effect
EffectDamageIncreaseCreate a Damage Increase effect.
EffectDamageReductionCreate a Damage Reduction effect.
EffectDamageResistanceReturns a new effect object that makes the target more resistant to certain types of damage.
EffectDamageShieldCreates a damage shield around the target that will damage sucessfull attackers.
EffectDarknessReturns a new effect object.
EffectDazedReturns a new effect object.
EffectDeafReturns a new effect object.
EffectDeathCreate a Death effect
EffectDisappearReturns a new effect object.
EffectDisappearAppearReturns a new effect object.
EffectDiseaseCreate a Disease effect.
EffectDispelMagicAllCreate a Dispel Magic All effect.
EffectDispelMagicBestCreate a Dispel Magic Best effect.
EffectDominatedReturns a new effect object.
EffectEntangleCreate an Entangle effect
EffectEtherealCreates an effect like the Sanctuary spell, but the observers get no saving throw.
EffectFrightenedCreate a frightened effect for use in making creatures shaken or flee.
EffectHasteReturns a new effect object.
EffectHealCreates a healing effect.
EffectHitPointChangeWhenDyingReturns a new effect object.
EffectImmunityCreate an Immunity effect.
EffectInvisibilityCreate an Invisibility effect.
EffectKnockdownReturns a new effect object.
EffectLinkEffectsCreates one new effect object from two seperate effect objects.
EffectMissChanceCreates a miss chance effect.
EffectModifyAttacksCreate a Modify Attacks effect that adds attacks to the target.
EffectMovementSpeedDecreaseCreate a Movement Speed Decrease effect to slow target.
EffectMovementSpeedIncreaseCreate a Movement Speed Increase effect to speed target movement rate.
EffectNegativeLevelCreate a Negative Level effect that will decrease the level of the target.
EffectParalyzeReturns a new effect object.
EffectPetrifyCreates an effect that will petrify a creature.
EffectPoisonCreate a Poison effect.
EffectPolymorphCreate a Polymorph effect that changes the target into a different type of creature.
EffectRegenerateCreate a Regenerate effect.
EffectResurrectionReturns a new effect object.
EffectSanctuaryCreates a sanctuary effect.
EffectSavingThrowDecreaseCreate a Saving Throw Decrease effect to lower one Saving Throw type.
EffectSavingThrowIncreaseCreate a Saving Throw Increase effect to raise one Saving Throw type.
EffectSeeInvisibleReturns a new effect object.
EffectSilenceCreate a Silence effect
EffectSkillDecreaseReturns an effect to decrease a skill.
EffectSkillIncreaseReturns an effect which will cause a skill increase.
EffectSleepReturns a sleep effect.
EffectSlowCreates a slow effect.
EffectSpellFailureCreates an effect that inhibits spells.
EffectSpellImmunityReturns an effect of spell immunity.
EffectSpellLevelAbsorptionReturns a Spell Level Absorption effect
EffectSpellResistanceDecreaseReturns a Spell Resistance Decrease effect.
EffectSpellResistanceIncreaseReturns an effect which increases spell resistance.
EffectStunnedReturns a Stunned effect.
EffectSummonCreatureCreates a summon creature effect.
EffectSwarmReturns a Swarm effect.
EffectTemporaryHitpointsCreate a Temporary Hitpoints effect that raises the Hitpoints of the target.
EffectTimeStopReturns a new effect object.
EffectTrueSeeingReturns an effect of True Seeing.
EffectTurnedReturns a new effect object.
EffectTurnResistanceDecreaseCreate a Turn Resistance Decrease effect that can make creatures more susceptible to turning.
EffectTurnResistanceIncreaseCreate a Turn Resistance Decrease effect that can make creatures more resistant to turning.
EffectUltravisionReturns an effect of Ultravision
EffectVisualEffectCreates a new visual effect object
ExtraordinaryEffectMarks an effect as belonging to the effect subtype Extraordinary.
GetAreaOfEffectCreatorGets the creator of an Area of Effect object.
GetEffectCreatorGets the object that created eEffect.
GetEffectDurationTypeGets the constant that defines the type of effect in eEffect.
GetEffectSpellIdThis will return the constant of the spell that applied the effect (SPELL_*).
GetEffectSubTypeGet the subtype (SUBTYPE_*) of the effect.
GetEffectTypeGet the type constant of the effect.
GetFirstEffectDetermines the first active effect on a creature.
GetHasEffectDetermines whether a creature has an effect.
GetIsEffectValidDetermines whether an effect is valid.
GetNextEffectDetermines the next active effect on a creature.
GetPlaceableIlluminationRetrieves the current state of a placeables illumination.
MagicalEffectThis function sets the effects sub type to magical.
MakeDrunkGets a creature drunk.
PetrifyPermanently turn a creature to stone. (Until depetrified anyway.)
PetrifyWoodTurns a specified object to wood instead of stone.
PlayAnimationPlay an animation.
PlayVoiceChatPlays a voice chat.
RecomputeStaticLightingRecomputes the lighting in an area based on current static lighting conditions.
RemoveEffectRemoves an effect from a creature or object.
RemoveEffectOfTypeRemove an effect of the given type.
RemoveSpecificEffectRemoves effects from a creature.
RunDrownImpactAllows a water elemental to fill its victim’s lungs with water, drowning the victim.
RunMelfAcidImpactHandles the dealing of damage each round by the Melf’s Acid Arrow spell.
SupernaturalEffectModifies an effect to make it a Supernatural effect.
VersusAlignmentEffectSet eEffect to be versus a specific alignment.
VersusRacialTypeEffectSet eEffect to be versus nRacialType.
VersusTrapEffectModifies an effect so that it only works against traps.

See Also

Function Categories