EffectAreaOfEffect(int, string, string, string)

Returns a new effect object.

effect EffectAreaOfEffect(
    int nAreaEffectId,
    string sOnEnterScript = "",
    string sHeartbeatScript = "",
    string sOnExitScript = ""



The ID of the Area of Effect


The script to use when a creature enters the radius of the Area of Effect. (Default: "")


The script to run on each of the Area of Effect's Heartbeats. (Default: "")


The script to run when a creature leaves the radius of an Area of Effect. (Default: "")


Create an Area Of Effect effect in the area of the creature it is applied to. If the scripts are not specified, default ones will be used.

The target you can apply this to can be any valid (non static) object that ApplyEffectToObject works on, or a location. This effect cannot be applied instantly, only temporarily or permanently.


This can be applied to a location, where the effect will be static, or it can be applied to a creature, where it will basically follow the creature around.

There are a few graphical problems with using MOB_ declared AOE's as location AOE's, and PER_ declared AOE's used as mobile (moving with the PC) AOE's.

The creator of the effect (GetAreaOfEffectCreator()) is the caller of the script that the effect is applied from - as this is not an effect if applied to a location, it will not have an GetEffectCreator().

Effect functions are Constructors, which are special methods that help construct effect "objects". In some cases, these can be applied to an object or a location, if at a location, they are no longer effects at all, and may be completely new objects.

Known Bugs

Using invalid scripts for sOnEnterScript, sHeartbeatScript, sOnExitScript will crash the game. If you want to the Area of Effect do nothing use "****" or point to an empty script.

There are sometimes glitches with the usual spell functions when used inside the AOE's script - such as GetSpellId(), GetSpellSaveDC(), GetCasterLevel(), and so on, because of the fact the values can change after the AOE has been in place, and the other fact that sub-dial spells will not work correctly with GetSpellSaveDC() in the first place.

In some cases, mobile AOE's (Applied to a creature, such as Invisibility Purge or Silence) seem to deactivate if the creature moves too quickly, as it triggers its own On Exit event somehow!




int AOE_BOG_STINK = 1500;

void main()
    //Declare the Area Of Effect, assign it an ID, and tell it what scripts to run when someone interacts with it.
    effect eAOE = EffectAreaOfEffect(AOE_BOG_STINK, "bog_on_enter", "bog_on_hb", "bog_on_exit");
    location lTarget = GetLocation(GetEnteringObject());
    int nDuration = 2;
    //Create an instance of the AOE Object using the Apply Effect function
    ApplyEffectAtLocation(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eAOE, lTarget, RoundsToSeconds(nDuration));

See Also

functions: ApplyEffectAtLocation
categories: Effects Functions | Spells Functions | Traps Functions

 author: John Shuell, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Peter Poe, Jasperre