Traps Function Category

Functions that deal with traps.


NameBrief Description
CreateTrapAtLocationCreates a square Trap object.
CreateTrapOnObjectCreates a Trap on the object specified. Works on doors and placeables only.
EffectAreaOfEffectReturns a new effect object.
GetEnteringObjectGets the object that last opened or entered the calling object.
GetExitingObjectGet the object that last left the calling object.
GetLastDisarmedDetermine who last disarmed a trapped trigger, door or placeable object.
GetLastTrapDetectedDetermines the trap last detected by the PC.
GetNearestTrapToObjectDetermines the closest trap from a creature or object.
GetProjectileTrapOriginGets the origin for a projectile trap.
GetTrapActiveDetermines if a trap is active.
GetTrapBaseTypeDetermines the type (i.e. frost, spike, etc.) of a trap.
GetTrapCreatorReturns the name of the creature that set the specific trap.
GetTrapDetectableDetermines if the specific trap has been set as detectable or not by the toolset.
GetTrapDetectDCDetermines the DC required to detect the specific trap.
GetTrapDetectedByDetermines whether a creature has detected a specific trap.
GetTrapDisarmableDetermines if the specific trap is capable of being disarmed.
GetTrapDisarmDCDetermines the DC for the trap to be disarmed.
GetTrapFlaggedDetermine if a specific trap has been set as visible to all creatures.
GetTrapKeyTagDetermines the identifier of the key required to disarm the specific trap.
GetTrapOneShotDetermines if the trap was designated as only going off once.
GetTrapRecoverableDetermines if a trap is recoverable.
SetTrapActiveSets whether or not the trap is an active trap.
SetTrapDetectableSets whether or not the trap on an object can be detected.
SetTrapDetectDCSet the DC for detecting the trap.
SetTrapDetectedByMakes a trap detected by a creature.
SetTrapDisabledDisables the trap on the specified object.
SetTrapDisarmableSets whether or not the trap on an object can be disarmed.
SetTrapDisarmDCSet the DC for disarming object.
SetTrapKeyTagSet the tag of the key that will disarm the trap.
SetTrapOneShotSets whether or not the trap is a one-shot trap. Meaning whether or not the trap resets itself after firing.
SetTrapRecoverableSets whether or not the trap on an object can be recovered.
TrapDoElectricalDamageFunction for doing electrical traps.
TriggerProjectileTrapCauses an origin object to fire a specified spell at a target.
VersusTrapEffectModifies an effect so that it only works against traps.

See Also

Function Categories