Spells Function Category
Functions that deal with spells.
Name | Brief Description |
ActionCastSpellAtLocation | Cast a spell at a specific location. |
ActionCastSpellAtObject | Cast a spell at an object. |
ArcaneArcherDamageDoneByBow | Returns how much should special archer arrows do for damage. |
ArcaneArcherCalculateBonus | Calculates the enhancement bonus for an Arcane Archer. |
CreateProtectionFromAlignmentLink | Creates a protection from alignment effect. |
DecrementRemainingSpellUses | Decrease the number of spell uses of a particular spell for a given creature. |
doAura | Used in the alignment aura spells. |
DoCaltropEffect | Caltrops do 25 points of damage (1 point per target per round) and then are gone. |
DoCaltropsEffect | Apply the caltrops effect to the specified target. |
DoCamoflage | Applies the 'camoflage' magical effect to the target. |
DoDirgeEffect | Applies the ability score damage of the dirge effect. |
DoGrenade | Does a damage type grenade (direct or splash on miss). |
DoMagicFang | Improves an animal companion's attack and damage and the ability to hit magically protected creatures. |
DoMissileStorm | Fires a storm of missiles at targets in area. |
DoPetrification | This is a wrapper for how Petrify will work in Expansion Pack 1. |
DoSpellBreach | Performs a spell breach; up to nTotal spells are removed and nSR spell resistance is lowered. |
DoSpikeGrowthEffect | For spike growth area of effect object applies damage and slow effect. |
DoTrapSpike | Apply effects of spike trap on entering object. |
DoWhirlwindAttack | Perform a whirlwind attack. |
EffectACDecrease | Creates an AC decrease effect. |
EffectACIncrease | Gives an AC bonus to an object. |
EffectAreaOfEffect | Returns a new effect object. |
EffectDispelMagicAll | Create a Dispel Magic All effect. |
EffectDispelMagicBest | Create a Dispel Magic Best effect. |
EffectPolymorph | Create a Polymorph effect that changes the target into a different type of creature. |
EffectSpellImmunity | Returns an effect of spell immunity. |
EffectSpellLevelAbsorption | Returns a Spell Level Absorption effect |
EffectTurnResistanceDecrease | Create a Turn Resistance Decrease effect that can make creatures more susceptible to turning. |
EffectTurnResistanceIncrease | Create a Turn Resistance Decrease effect that can make creatures more resistant to turning. |
EventSpellCastAt | Creates an event which triggers a "spell cast at" reaction. |
ExplodeObject | Blow up an object with the given spell. |
GetArcaneSpellFailure | Gets a creature's arcane spell failure factor |
GetAttemptedSpellTarget | Determines the creature a spell was attempted to be cast at. |
GetCasterLevel | Determines the level of caster for a creature or PC casting a spell. |
GetDefensiveCastingMode | Retrieves the defensive casting mode status of a creature. |
GetEnteringObject | Gets the object that last opened or entered the calling object. |
GetEpicSpellSaveDC | Determines the DC needed to save against any epic spell. |
GetExitingObject | Get the object that last left the calling object. |
GetHasSpell | Determines whether a creature has a spell available. |
GetIsMagicStatBonus | Returns spellcasting ability modifier. |
GetLastSpell | Determines the spell that was last cast. |
GetLastSpellCastClass | Returns the class that the spellcaster cast the spell as |
GetLastSpellCaster | Determines who last cast a spell. |
GetLastSpellHarmful | Determines whether the last spell cast was harmful. |
GetMetaMagicFeat | Get the type of metamagic used on the last spell. |
GetScaledDuration | Determines a scaled down duration based on the game difficulty setting. |
GetScaledEffect | Creates a new effect based on the game difficulty. |
GetSizeModifier | Gets the creature's applicable size modifier. |
GetSpellBreachProtection | Returns the next protection spell from a list of seventeen. |
GetSpellCastItem | Determines the object that caused the spell script to be called. |
GetSpellEffectDelay | Determines the time an effect should be delayed. |
GetSpellId | Determines the spell identifier for a spell which a script is currently processing. |
GetSpellResistance | Returns the spell resistance of the specified creature |
GetSpellSaveDC | Determines the DC needed to save against the cast spell. |
GetSpellTargetLocation | Determines the location of a spell's target location. |
GetSpellTargetObject | Retrieves the target of the caller's last spell. |
GetTypeFromTalent | Determines the primary category of the talent requested. |
GZCanNotUseGazeAttackCheck | Returns TRUE if oCreature is blinded and thus cannot use a gaze attack. |
GZGetHighestSpellcastingClassLevel | Returns the target creature's levels in their highest spell casting class. |
HasSpell | Checks if caller has spell |
IPGetIPConstCastSpellFromSpellID | Returns a spell's corresponding itemproperty constant. |
IPGetItemSequencerProperty | Checks the sequencer property of an item. |
ItemPropertyCastSpell | Sets a "cast spell" itemproperty. |
ItemPropertyOnHitCastSpell | Sets an "on hit cast spell" item property. |
MaximizeOrEmpower | Checks the appropriate metamagic to see how the damage should be scaled. |
MyResistSpell | Determines and plays animation for resisting a spell when applicable. |
MySavingThrow | Checks for spell countering by a saving throw. |
RemoveAnySpellEffects | Doesn't care who the caster was; removes the effects of the specified spell. |
RemoveProtections | Removes all spell protections of a specific type. |
RemoveSpellEffects | Removes the effects of a spell cast on a creature. |
RemoveSpellEffects2 | Advanced version of RemoveSpellEffects to handle multiple spells. |
ResistSpell | Performs a spell resistance check between the caster and the target. |
RunMelfAcidImpact | Handles the dealing of damage each round by the Melf’s Acid Arrow spell. |
ShadowBolt | Used with Greater Shadow Conjuration spell to cast a damaging bolt towards an NPC. |
spellApplyMindBlank | Removes negative mind effects and provides mind protection. |
SpellDelay | Incorporates a delay on applying special FX and damage FX until cone 'reaches' the target. |
spellsDispelAoE | Handles dispel magic of area of effect spells. |
spellsDispelMagic | Dispel magic on one or multiple targets. |
spellsGenericAreaOfEffect | Generic apply area of effect wrapper. |
spellsInflictTouchAttack | Inflicts a spell touch attack. |
spellsIsFlying | Returns TRUE if the target creature is flying. |
spellsIsImmuneToPetrification | Returns TRUE if the target creature is immune to petrification. |
spellsIsMindless | Returns TRUE if the target creature does not have a mind. |
spellsIsTarget | Generic reputation wrapper. |
spellsStinkingCloud | Does a stinking cloud. |
TalentAdvancedBuff | Causes the NPC/Creature to buff themselves using a priority aligned list of spells if they have them. |
TalentCureCondition | Cure Disease, Poison, Curse and Blindness and Deafness of nearest friendly target. |
TalentSeeInvisible | Determines if the NPC has the ability to see invisible creatures through feat or spell. |
TrimLevel | Returns the valid upper limit for any arcane spell scroll. |
VersusAlignmentEffect | Set eEffect to be versus a specific alignment. |
VersusRacialTypeEffect | Set eEffect to be versus nRacialType. |
X2CastOnItemWasAllowed | This function return TRUE if the last casted spell can be cast to any item. |
X2GetSpellCastOnSequencerItem | Sequencer item property handling. |
X2PreSpellCastCode | This function hooks all default spell scripts and is used for procedures related to all spells or for block the spell code to be executed. |
X2RunUserDefinedSpellScript | Runs a custom spellhook script if defined. |
See Also
author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress