Spells Function Category

Functions that deal with spells.


NameBrief Description
ActionCastSpellAtLocationCast a spell at a specific location.
ActionCastSpellAtObjectCast a spell at an object.
ArcaneArcherDamageDoneByBowReturns how much should special archer arrows do for damage.
ArcaneArcherCalculateBonusCalculates the enhancement bonus for an Arcane Archer.
CreateProtectionFromAlignmentLinkCreates a protection from alignment effect.
DecrementRemainingSpellUsesDecrease the number of spell uses of a particular spell for a given creature.
doAuraUsed in the alignment aura spells.
DoCaltropEffectCaltrops do 25 points of damage (1 point per target per round) and then are gone.
DoCaltropsEffectApply the caltrops effect to the specified target.
DoCamoflageApplies the 'camoflage' magical effect to the target.
DoDirgeEffectApplies the ability score damage of the dirge effect.
DoGrenadeDoes a damage type grenade (direct or splash on miss).
DoMagicFangImproves an animal companion's attack and damage and the ability to hit magically protected creatures.
DoMissileStormFires a storm of missiles at targets in area.
DoPetrificationThis is a wrapper for how Petrify will work in Expansion Pack 1.
DoSpellBreachPerforms a spell breach; up to nTotal spells are removed and nSR spell resistance is lowered.
DoSpikeGrowthEffectFor spike growth area of effect object applies damage and slow effect.
DoTrapSpikeApply effects of spike trap on entering object.
DoWhirlwindAttackPerform a whirlwind attack.
EffectACDecreaseCreates an AC decrease effect.
EffectACIncreaseGives an AC bonus to an object.
EffectAreaOfEffectReturns a new effect object.
EffectDispelMagicAllCreate a Dispel Magic All effect.
EffectDispelMagicBestCreate a Dispel Magic Best effect.
EffectPolymorphCreate a Polymorph effect that changes the target into a different type of creature.
EffectSpellImmunityReturns an effect of spell immunity.
EffectSpellLevelAbsorptionReturns a Spell Level Absorption effect
EffectTurnResistanceDecreaseCreate a Turn Resistance Decrease effect that can make creatures more susceptible to turning.
EffectTurnResistanceIncreaseCreate a Turn Resistance Decrease effect that can make creatures more resistant to turning.
EventSpellCastAtCreates an event which triggers a "spell cast at" reaction.
ExplodeObjectBlow up an object with the given spell.
GetArcaneSpellFailureGets a creature's arcane spell failure factor
GetAttemptedSpellTargetDetermines the creature a spell was attempted to be cast at.
GetCasterLevelDetermines the level of caster for a creature or PC casting a spell.
GetDefensiveCastingModeRetrieves the defensive casting mode status of a creature.
GetEnteringObjectGets the object that last opened or entered the calling object.
GetEpicSpellSaveDCDetermines the DC needed to save against any epic spell.
GetExitingObjectGet the object that last left the calling object.
GetHasSpellDetermines whether a creature has a spell available.
GetIsMagicStatBonusReturns spellcasting ability modifier.
GetLastSpellDetermines the spell that was last cast.
GetLastSpellCastClassReturns the class that the spellcaster cast the spell as
GetLastSpellCasterDetermines who last cast a spell.
GetLastSpellHarmfulDetermines whether the last spell cast was harmful.
GetMetaMagicFeatGet the type of metamagic used on the last spell.
GetScaledDurationDetermines a scaled down duration based on the game difficulty setting.
GetScaledEffectCreates a new effect based on the game difficulty.
GetSizeModifierGets the creature's applicable size modifier.
GetSpellBreachProtectionReturns the next protection spell from a list of seventeen.
GetSpellCastItemDetermines the object that caused the spell script to be called.
GetSpellEffectDelayDetermines the time an effect should be delayed.
GetSpellIdDetermines the spell identifier for a spell which a script is currently processing.
GetSpellResistanceReturns the spell resistance of the specified creature
GetSpellSaveDCDetermines the DC needed to save against the cast spell.
GetSpellTargetLocationDetermines the location of a spell's target location.
GetSpellTargetObjectRetrieves the target of the caller's last spell.
GetTypeFromTalentDetermines the primary category of the talent requested.
GZCanNotUseGazeAttackCheckReturns TRUE if oCreature is blinded and thus cannot use a gaze attack.
GZGetHighestSpellcastingClassLevelReturns the target creature's levels in their highest spell casting class.
HasSpellChecks if caller has spell
IPGetIPConstCastSpellFromSpellIDReturns a spell's corresponding itemproperty constant.
IPGetItemSequencerPropertyChecks the sequencer property of an item.
ItemPropertyCastSpellSets a "cast spell" itemproperty.
ItemPropertyOnHitCastSpellSets an "on hit cast spell" item property.
MaximizeOrEmpowerChecks the appropriate metamagic to see how the damage should be scaled.
MyResistSpellDetermines and plays animation for resisting a spell when applicable.
MySavingThrowChecks for spell countering by a saving throw.
RemoveAnySpellEffectsDoesn't care who the caster was; removes the effects of the specified spell.
RemoveProtectionsRemoves all spell protections of a specific type.
RemoveSpellEffectsRemoves the effects of a spell cast on a creature.
RemoveSpellEffects2Advanced version of RemoveSpellEffects to handle multiple spells.
ResistSpellPerforms a spell resistance check between the caster and the target.
RunMelfAcidImpactHandles the dealing of damage each round by the Melf’s Acid Arrow spell.
ShadowBoltUsed with Greater Shadow Conjuration spell to cast a damaging bolt towards an NPC.
spellApplyMindBlankRemoves negative mind effects and provides mind protection.
SpellDelayIncorporates a delay on applying special FX and damage FX until cone 'reaches' the target.
spellsDispelAoEHandles dispel magic of area of effect spells.
spellsDispelMagicDispel magic on one or multiple targets.
spellsGenericAreaOfEffectGeneric apply area of effect wrapper.
spellsInflictTouchAttackInflicts a spell touch attack.
spellsIsFlyingReturns TRUE if the target creature is flying.
spellsIsImmuneToPetrificationReturns TRUE if the target creature is immune to petrification.
spellsIsMindlessReturns TRUE if the target creature does not have a mind.
spellsIsTargetGeneric reputation wrapper.
spellsStinkingCloudDoes a stinking cloud.
TalentAdvancedBuffCauses the NPC/Creature to buff themselves using a priority aligned list of spells if they have them.
TalentCureConditionCure Disease, Poison, Curse and Blindness and Deafness of nearest friendly target.
TalentSeeInvisibleDetermines if the NPC has the ability to see invisible creatures through feat or spell.
TrimLevelReturns the valid upper limit for any arcane spell scroll.
VersusAlignmentEffectSet eEffect to be versus a specific alignment.
VersusRacialTypeEffectSet eEffect to be versus nRacialType.
X2CastOnItemWasAllowedThis function return TRUE if the last casted spell can be cast to any item.
X2GetSpellCastOnSequencerItemSequencer item property handling.
X2PreSpellCastCodeThis function hooks all default spell scripts and is used for procedures related to all spells or for block the spell code to be executed.
X2RunUserDefinedSpellScriptRuns a custom spellhook script if defined.

See Also

Function Categories

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress