Returns the amount of gold a store currently has.
void GetStoreGold( object oidStore );
Store to get the gold from
Returns the amount of gold a store currently has. -1 indicates it is not using gold. -2 indicates the store could not be located.
Stores don't use gold by default. A store that uses gold will only buy items that it can afford. Stores that don't will buy items of any price, unless you specify a max price with the SetStoreMaxBuyPrice command.
Whenever a store makes a transaction with a player, the gold gained or spent is automatically reflected in the store's gold supply.
Having a store identify an item will also add the gold you pay for the identification to the store's gold.
See Also
functions: | SetStoreGold |
categories: | Store Functions | Money Functions |
author: Lilac Soul, editor: Mistress