Money Function Category

Functions that deal with money.


NameBrief Description
GetFactionGoldGet the amount of gold held by all members of a certain faction.
GetGoldGets the amount of gold that a creature possesses.
GetGoldPieceValueDetermines the value of an item in gold pieces.
GetReactionAdjustmentGets the adjusted Reaction for the purposes of store pricing.
GetStoreGoldReturns the amount of gold a store currently has
GetStoreIdentifyCostDetermines how much a store charges to identify items
GetStoreMaxBuyPriceGets the maximum amount a store will pay for any item
GiveGoldToAllGives an amount of gold to each PC in a PC's party
GiveGoldToAllEquallyDivides a given amount of gold equally among PCs in a PC's party
GiveGoldToCreatureCreates the specified amount of gold on the creature.
HasGoldDetermines if a player has more than a certain amount of gold on them.
RewardGPGives gold as a reward to a player and possible their party members.
RewardPartyGPGive gold to PC or PC's entire party
SetStoreGoldSets the amount of gold a store has
SetStoreMaxBuyPriceSets the maximum amount a store will pay for any item
TakeGoldRemoves a given amount of gold from the targets inventory, and optionally removes it from the game.
TakeGoldFromCreatureTakes a specified amount of gold away from a creature.

See Also

Function Categories