LootInventorySlots(object, object, int, int)

Loot all the droppable items from the inventory slots of the victim into the inventory of the corpse object.

void LootInventorySlots(
    object oVictim,
    object oCorpse,
    int bDecay = TRUE,
    int bDropWielded = TRUE



The object to take the equipped gear from.


Placeable corpse object to receive the looted items.


Used to destroy the chest armor on oVictim after oCorpse is destroyed. (Default: TRUE)


Determines where to put the weapons in oVictim's right and left hands. (Default: TRUE)


Loot all the droppable items from the inventory slots of the victim into the inventory of the corpse object.

If bDropWielded is TRUE, the items the victim is wielding in their right and left hands will be dropped to either side of oCorpse. If set to FALSE, the items will be placed into oCorpse's inventory.


Only valid, droppable, equipped gear will be moved from oVictim to oCorpse.

bDecay should probably be left at TRUE. The armor object is left on the corpse as it lays on the ground, dead. This way the player's see a dressed corpse instead of a naked corpse. With bDecay TRUE, then once the corpse is destroyed, so is the armor that was left on the corpse.


#include "x0_i0_corpses"



See Also

functions:  LootInventory
categories:  Inventory Functions

author: Mistress