
Declarations and definitions of functions used by the plot wizard.


NameBrief Description
PWGiveExperiencePartyGives or takes the specified amount of experience points (XP) to/from each member of a party.
PWSetMinLocalIntAndJournalForItemAcquiredBased on acquiring an item, this function sets a local integer variable for all players in a group, awards XP, and sets a journal entry.
PWSetMinLocalIntAndJournalForOpenerPartyBased on opening an object, this function sets a local integer variable for all players in a group, awards XP, and sets a journal entry.
PWSetMinLocalIntPartySets a local integer variable for all players in a player's party.
PWSetMinLocalIntPartyPCSpeakerSets a local integer variable for all players in GetPCSpeaker's party.

 author: Mistress