
These functions are specific to the Official Campaign.

They manipulate the Official Campaign flags: NW_J_FETCH_MYGLOBALS, NW_J_FETCH_PLOT_TAG, and NW_J_UNIFORM_ITEM.

NOTE: None of the functions contained in this file have prototypes.


NameBrief Description
GetPlotTagInternal function. Gets the value of a local string called NW_J_FETCH_PLOT_TAG.
GetUniformInternal function. Gets the tag of a guard's uniform.
GlobalInternal function. Returns the object (NW_J_FETCH_MYGLOBALS) where plot globals for this plot are supposed to be stored.
PlayerWearsUniformInternal function. Checks if a PC has a certain uniform equipped.
SetGlobalInternal function. Sets where all the globals (NW_J_FETCH_MYGLOBALS) for this plot are going to be stored.
SetPlotTagInternal function. Sets a local string named NW_J_FETCH_PLOT_TAG.
SetUniformInternal function. Specifies the name of the uniform to be taken by the player during the original campaign.

 author: Charles Feduke, editor: Mistress, contributor: Graewerld