
AnimalsSounds which animals make.
BodyfallsNoises made when a person, animal, or creature dies and falls to the ground.
CivilizationNoises you would hear within a town or city.
CombatSounds related to combat, like staff whooshes and sword clangs.
CreaturesSounds created by monsters.
DoorsDoor openings, closings, and other related sounds.
FootstepsNoises made by moving people, creatures, or animals over terrain.
GUISounds made by the graphical user interface (when you click on a button, etc.).
HorrorHorror sounds.
Interactive ObjectsSounds that placeables like containers and switches make.
ItemSounds related to items.
MagicalSounds related to magical effects (do not confuse with Spell sounds).
MusicTrack numbers for use with several functions found within the Music Effects function category. You can use the TRACK_* constants instead of the numeric value for tracks. Track information provided by Tyson McCann.
Music, ShortShort musical sequences played throughout the game.
NatureOutdoor or environmental sounds.
OtherSounds which cannot be easily categorized into any other category.
PeopleSounds which people make (do not confuse this with Voice Set sounds).
SpellSounds made by spells and the casting of spells.
Voice SetAll voice related sounds. For more description of individual voice sets, see the "Voice Set (Overview)" category.
Voice Set (Overview)Voices for various characters in the game.
WeatherSounds related to the weather.

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress