Miscellaneous Function Category

Functions that don't fit into any other category.


NameBrief Description
ActionExamineExamine an object
ActionWaitAdds a wait action to an objects queue.
BootPCAbruptly kicks a player off a multi-player server.
CopyObjectDuplicates the object specified.
d2Rolls a 2-sided die (or flips a coin).
d3Rolls a 3-sided die.
d4Rolls a 4-sided die.
d6Rolls a 6-sided die.
d8Rolls an 8-sided die.
d10Rolls a 10-sided die.
d12Rolls a 12-sided die.
d20Rolls a 20-sided die.
d100Rolls a 100-sided die.
DrinkItMakes a creature speak a string that signifies they drank alcohol.
ExecuteScriptCause a script to execute.
ExportSingleCharacterForce the character of the player specified to be exported to its respective directory, i.e. LocalVault/ServerVault/ etc.
GetActionModeCheck if a creature is using a given action mode
GetAngleBetweenLocationsReturns a float representing the angle between Location One and Location Two
GetAssassinHeadGets the tag of the Assassins head object used in a plot in the official release game.
GetChangedPositionConvenience function that returns a vector that is fDistance away in fAngle direction
GetChangeInXConvenience function to calculate the change in the X axis
GetChangeInYConvenience function that calculates the change in the Y axis to the target
GetCustomLeftDirectionThis function returns a normalized number that is the sum of the current facing and the angle to target
GetCustomRightDirectionThis returns a float that is a normalized remainder of fDirection - fAngle
GetFarLeftDirectionThis function returns a normalized number that is +135 from the current facing
GetFarRightDirectionReturns a normalized number that is -135 from the current facing
GetFirstInPersistentObjectDetermines the first object of a specific type that is inside a persistent object.
GetFirstObjectInShapeDetermines the first object of a specific type (creature, door etc.) in shape.
GetGameDifficultyDetermines the game difficulty setting.
GetHalfLeftDirectionThis function returns a number that is +45 degrees from the current facing
GetHalfRightDirectionReturns a normalized value that is -45 from fDirection
GetIsDeadDetermines if a creature is dead or dying.
GetIsEnemyDetermines whether a creature considers another creature an enemy.
GetIsImmuneDetermines whether a creature has a specific immunity.
GetIsNeutralCheck whether a creature considers another creature to be neutral to them.
GetItemCursedFlagChecks if an item is cursed
GetLastPCRestedReturns the last PC that rested.
GetLastRespawnButtonPresserGets the last PC that clicked the Respawn button.
GetLeftDirectionThis function returns a float representing a direction +90 degrees
GetMyMasterGets the nearest Player Character to the calling object.
GetNextInPersistentObjectDetermines the nextobject of a specific type that is inside a persistent object.
GetNextObjectInShapeDetermines the next object of a specific type (creature, door etc) in shape.
GetNormalizedDirectionThis function returns a float that is constrained from 0 - 360
GetOppositeDirectionReturns a normalized direction that is -180 from fDirection
GetPositionFromLocationReturns the vector part of a location.
GetRightDirectionReturns a normalized float that is -90 from the facing passed in
GetUserDefinedEventNumberDetermines the specific user-defined number that has been sent to it.
GiveRingToPlayerCreates a plot ring and places it in a player's inventory.
PopUpGUIPanelDisplays a GUI panel to a player.
PrintStringRecords a message to the log file.
RandomNameGenerates a random name.
RestoreCameraFacingRestores the camera mode and facing.
SetActionModeSets the status of an action mode on a creature
SetAreaTransitionBMPSets the graphic shown when a PC moves between two different areas in a module.
SetCameraFacingChanges the direction the player's camera is facing.
SetCameraHeightSets the camera to a certain height
SetCameraModeChanges the perspective view of the player on the screen.
SetCommandableMakes NPC available for new instructions.
SetCustomTokenSets the value for a custom token.
SetDeitySet the deity of a creature or PC
SetDroppableFlagMarks an item as droppable or undroppable.
SetImmortalSets a creature as immortal.
SetItemCursedFlagSets whether an item is cursed or not
SetMapPinEnabledEnable a map pin.
SetPhenoTypeSets the creature's PhenoType (body type) to the type specified.
SetPlotFlagSets an object's plot status.
SetSubRaceSets or changes a creature's or PC's subrace
SignalEventCauses an object to fire a specified event.
StoreCameraFacingStores the camera facing and position so it can be restored later.
TakeArtifactItemRemoves the item returned by GetArtifactItem from the player's inventory.
TakeFetchItemRemoves the plot related item from a player's inventory.

See Also

Function Categories