
Library file that acts as a hub for all code that is hooked into the nwn spellscripts.

If you want to implement material components into spells or add restrictions to certain spells, this is the place to do it.

NOTE: This file includes x2_inc_craft and x3_inc_horse.


NameValueBrief Description


NameBrief Description
X2BreakConcentrationSpellsInternal function. Concentration system for Black Blade of Disaster spell. If the mage tries to cast any kind of spell, the blade is signaled an event to die.
X2CastOnItemWasAllowedThis function return TRUE if the last casted spell can be cast to any item.
X2DoBreakConcentrationCheckInternal function.
X2GetBreakConcentrationConditionInternal function. Being hit by any kind of negative effect affecting the caster's ability to concentrate will cause a break condition for concentration spells.
X2GetSpellCastOnSequencerItemSequencer item property handling.
X2PreSpellCastCodeThis function hooks all default spell scripts and is used for procedures related to all spells or for block the spell code to be executed.
X2RunUserDefinedSpellScriptRuns a custom spellhook script if defined.
X3ShapeShiftSpellInternal function. Returns TRUE if the spell that is cast is a shape shifting spell.
X2UseMagicDeviceCheckUse Magic Device check.

See Also

categories:  Spells Functions | Spell Casting Effects Functions
events:  OnSpellCastAt Event
includes:  nw_i0_spells | x0_i0_spells | x2_i0_spells

  author: Mistress, contributor: ShaDoOoW