
Causes a creature to run to its exit waypoint and disappear.

void ActivateFleeToExit();


ActivateFleeToExit will cause an NPC to flee to a waypoint called EXIT_ + <NPC's tag>, and then destroy itself, optionally respawning at its spawn-in location.

For ActionFleeToExit to work, you must set one of these four spawn-in conditions: NW_FLAG_TELEPORT_LEAVE, NW_FLAG_TELEPORT_RETURN, NW_FLAG_ESCAPE_LEAVE or NW_FLAG_ESCAPE_RETURN.

NPCs with the TELEPORT flags simply destroy themselves in an EFFECT_UNSUMMON effect.


You can confirm that your NPC is flagged to use this function with GetFleeToExit().

When using the NW_FLAG_ESCAPE_RETURN option, it is an absolute requirement that the TAG of your NPC is 100% identical to its resref. As can be seen in nw_i0_generic.nss, the ActivateFleeToExit() function uses
CreateSignPostNPC() (with the TAG as argument) to respawn the npc. However, that function requires the resref, and will not work at all with a tag!

So if an NPC's resref is "halfling016", then the NPC's tag must be "halfling016", otherwise the NPC will flee and disappear, but never return!


#include "NW_I0_GENERIC"




// In an OnPerception event, a scared PC pegs it.
#include "NW_I0_GENERIC"
void main() 

See Also

functions: GetFleeToExit
categories: Core AI Functions | Movement Functions
constants: NW_FLAG_* Constants

 author: Iskander Merriman, editor: Charles Feduke, additional contributor(s): Cheiron, Bjorn Toft