Movement Function Category

Movement related functions.


NameBrief Description
ActionForceFollowObjectForces an NPC to follow an object.
ActionForceMoveToLocationAttempts to move an NPC to a location.
ActionForceMoveToObjectAttempts to move an NPC to a certain distance of a target object even if a clear path doesn't exist.
ActionJumpToLocationInstantly sends the calling object to the position of locTarget.
ActionJumpToObjectTeleports the calling object to the nearest valid location by the target.
ActionMoveAwayFromLocationCauses the caller to try to move away from a location.
ActionMoveAwayFromObjectCause the action subject to move to a certain distance away from a target.
ActionMoveToLocationMoves an NPC to a location before executing further actions in the action queue.
ActionMoveToObjectCause action subject to move to a certain distance of a target object.
ActionPickUpItemCauses subject to run to an item and place it in inventory.
ActionRandomWalkCauses the subject to walk to a random location close to itself.
ActivateFleeToExitCauses a creature to run to its exit waypoint and disappear.
ActivatePortalSend a player's client to a new server, where the player's character will log in.
CheckWayPointsChecks to see if an NPC has a valid waypoint to walk to.
EffectMovementSpeedDecreaseCreate a Movement Speed Decrease effect to slow target.
EffectMovementSpeedIncreaseCreate a Movement Speed Increase effect to speed target movement rate.
EscapeAreaMakes a creature escape to a waypoint.
GetAheadLocationThis function returns a location directly in front of the target.
GetAngleBetweenLocationsReturns a float representing the angle between Location One and Location Two.
GetBehindLocationReturns location directly behind the target and facing same direction as the target.
GetBlockingDoorDetermines the door that is blocking a creature.
GetChangedPositionConvenience function that returns a vector that is fDistance away in fAngle direction.
GetChangeInXConvenience function to calculate the change in the X axis.
GetChangeInYConvenience function that calculates the change in the Y axis to the target.
GetCustomLeftDirectionThis function returns a normalized number that is the sum of the current facing and the angle to target.
GetCustomRightDirectionThis returns a float that is a normalized remainder of fDirection - fAngle.
GetCutsceneCameraMoveRateReturns the current movement rate factor of the cutscene 'camera man'.
GetDistanceBetweenLocationsThe distance in meters between two locations in the game.
GetDistanceToObjectThe distance from the caller of the script to the object in meters.
GetFacingUsed to determine which direction something is facing.
GetFacingFromLocationGet the facing value from a location variable.
GetFarLeftDirectionThis function returns a normalized number that is +135 from the current facing.
GetFarRightDirectionReturns a normalized number that is -135 from the current facing.
GetFlankingLeftLocationReturns a location on the left flank of the target.
GetFlankingRightLocationReturns a location that is the right flank (to the right and slightly behind) the Target.
GetForwardFlankingLeftLocationReturns location to the forward left flank of the target.
GetForwardFlankingRightLocationReturns location to the forward right flank of the target.
GetHalfLeftDirectionThis function returns a number that is +45 degrees from the current facing.
GetHalfRightDirectionReturns a normalized value that is -45 from fDirection.
GetLeftDirectionThis function returns a float representing a direction +90 degrees.
GetNormalizedDirectionThis function returns a float that is constrained from 0 - 360.
GetOppositeDirectionReturns a normalized direction that is -180 from fDirection.
GetOppositeLocationReturns a location that is directly behind the target.
GetRightDirectionReturns a normalized float that is -90 from the facing passed in.
GetTransitionTargetGets the associated transitional target.
JumpToLocationThis is a command to move instantly to the location referenced by lLocation.
JumpToObjectTeleports the calling object to the nearest valid location by the target.
MoveTo2Q4PlotPointMakes the caller walk to a waypoint.
MoveToNewLocationTells the object to move to a new location.
RunNextCircuitMakes an NPC move to their initial waypoint.
SetCutsceneCameraMoveRateSets the current movement rate factor for the cutscene cameraman.
SetFacingSets the object to face a certain direction.
SetFacingPointSets the object to face the direction of a vector.
TriggerExplodeObjectBlow up the nearest object with a matching tag with the specified spell.
TriggerRaiseCorpseRaise the nearest corpse from the dead.
TurnToFaceObjectTurns the target object to face another object.
VectorCreates a vector (position) from three points.
VectorMagnitudeDetermines the magnitude of a vector.
VectorNormalizeNormalize a vector.
WalkWayPointsMake an NPC creature walk a series of preset waypoints.

See Also

Function Categories