Core AI Function Category
Functions that deal with the core artificial intelligence engine
Name | Brief Description |
ActionCloseDoor | An action that causes an object to close a door. |
ActionForceFollowObject | Forces an NPC to follow an object. |
ActionForceMoveToLocation | Attempts to move an NPC to a location. |
ActionForceMoveToObject | Attempts to move an NPC to a certain distance of a target object even if a clear path doesn't exist. |
ActionMoveAwayFromLocation | Causes the caller to try to move away from a location |
ActionMoveAwayFromObject | Cause the action subject to move to a certain distance away from a target. |
ActionMoveToLocation | Moves an NPC to a location before executing further actions in the action queue. |
ActionMoveToObject | Cause action subject to move to a certain distance of a target object. |
ActionRandomWalk | Causes the subject to walk to a random location close to itself. |
ActivateFleeToExit | Causes a creature to run to its exit waypoint and disappear. |
AssociateCheck | Checks whether an object is an henchman or not. |
BashDoorCheck | Used in DetermineCombatRound to keep a henchmen bashing doors |
CheckEnemyGroupingOnTarget | Gets the number of enemies in a sphere shape around a target. |
CheckFriendlyFireOnTarget | Gets how many friendly creatures are within a spherical range of a target object. |
CheckWayPoints | Checks to see if an NPC has a valid waypoint to walk to. |
chooseTactics | Determines class-specific tactics. |
CompareLastSpellCast | Determines if a spell is the same as the one previously cast by the creature. |
DetermineAssociateCombatRound | This function cannot be used |
DetermineCombatRound | Determines NPC actions during any given round. |
DetermineSpecialBehavior | Makes a creature use behave a special way overriding default behavior. |
FindSingleRangedTarget | Seeks out an enemy more than 3m away |
GetAILevel | Retrieves the current AI (artificial intelligence) level that a creature is running at. |
GetBehaviorState | Test whether a creature is in a particular behavior state. |
GetCreatureTalentBest | Determines the best talent of a creature from a group of talents. |
GetDistanceBetween | The distance in meters between two objects |
GetDistanceBetweenLocations | The distance in meters between two locations in the game. |
GetDistanceToObject | The distance from the caller of the script to the object in meters. |
GetFactionMostDamagedMember | Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage. |
GetFleeToExit | Returns TRUE if the executing object can use ActivateFleeToExit. |
GetFollowDistance | Determines the distance in meters that the associate should follow its 'master' at. |
GetGoingToBeAttackedBy | Determines the creature that is going to attack another creature in the current combat round. |
GetIsFighting | Determines whether a creature is "fighting". |
GetLastGenericSpellCast | Retrieves the last spell that was cast by the calling creature. |
GetLastHostileActor | Gets the last living, non plot creature that performed a hostile act against the object. |
GetLastPCRested | Returns the last PC that rested. |
GetLastPerceptionInaudible | Gets the last perceived object which can no longer be heard. |
GetListenPatternNumber | Check if a conversation pattern has been activated in an OnConversation event. |
GetMostDangerousClass | Use the four archetypes to determine the most dangerous group type facing the NPC. |
GetNPCWarningStatus | Determines a NPC's state of mind toward another object. |
GetRacialTypeCount | Determines the number of creatures of a race within 20 meters. |
GetSpawnInCondition | Determines whether a creature has a certain condition set by BioWare's core AI system. |
PlayImmobileAmbientAnimations | Makes a creature act out some animations where they stand to look more lifelike. |
PlayMobileAmbientAnimations | Makes a creature act out some animations to look more lifelike. |
Prefers | Determines whether the adventurer prefers using a weapon type. |
RemoveAmbientSleep | Removes a sleep effect on a successful listen check. |
RespondToShout | Sets NPC to respond to numerous alerts sent by PC or other NPCs. |
RunNextCircuit | Makes an NPC move to their initial waypoint. |
SetAILevel | Sets the AI (artificial intelligence) level of a creature. |
SetAssociateStartLocation | Sets an NPC associate's start location to it's current location. |
SetBehaviorState | Sets an NPC's behavior. |
SetLastGenericSpellCast | Sets a local variable that stores the spell ID of the last spell cast. |
SetListening | Sets whether an object should listen. |
SetListeningPatterns | Prepares the listening patterns to allow for the AI to function properly. |
SetListenPattern | Sets an object to listen to a particular pattern. |
SetNPCWarningStatus | Stores the condition of an NPC warning status. |
SetSpawnInCondition | Sets custom flags that influence the default AI scripts provided by BioWare. |
SetSummonEffect | Specifies the visual special effect and specific creature to be summoned based on the spell cast. |
SetSummonHelpIfAttacked | Creates an encounter that is meant to help an attacked NPC. |
SetWayPointTo1 | Tells an NPC to return to their first waypoint. |
TalentMeleeAttack | Determines course of action while in melee combat for all NPCs. |
TalentMeleeAttacked | Determines best course of action for NPC spell-caster when in melee combat. |
TalentSeeInvisible | Determines if the NPC has the ability to see invisible creatures through feat or spell. |
VerifyCombatMeleeTalent | Determines whether a combat talent could be used on an object. |
VerifyDisarm | Determines whether a creature could possibly be disarmed. |
WalkWayPoints | Make an NPC creature walk a series of preset waypoints. |