Core AI Function Category

Functions that deal with the core artificial intelligence engine


NameBrief Description
ActionCloseDoorAn action that causes an object to close a door.
ActionForceFollowObjectForces an NPC to follow an object.
ActionForceMoveToLocationAttempts to move an NPC to a location.
ActionForceMoveToObjectAttempts to move an NPC to a certain distance of a target object even if a clear path doesn't exist.
ActionMoveAwayFromLocationCauses the caller to try to move away from a location
ActionMoveAwayFromObjectCause the action subject to move to a certain distance away from a target.
ActionMoveToLocationMoves an NPC to a location before executing further actions in the action queue.
ActionMoveToObjectCause action subject to move to a certain distance of a target object.
ActionRandomWalkCauses the subject to walk to a random location close to itself.
ActivateFleeToExitCauses a creature to run to its exit waypoint and disappear.
AssociateCheckChecks whether an object is an henchman or not.
BashDoorCheckUsed in DetermineCombatRound to keep a henchmen bashing doors
CheckEnemyGroupingOnTargetGets the number of enemies in a sphere shape around a target.
CheckFriendlyFireOnTargetGets how many friendly creatures are within a spherical range of a target object.
CheckWayPointsChecks to see if an NPC has a valid waypoint to walk to.
chooseTacticsDetermines class-specific tactics.
CompareLastSpellCastDetermines if a spell is the same as the one previously cast by the creature.
DetermineAssociateCombatRoundThis function cannot be used
DetermineCombatRoundDetermines NPC actions during any given round.
DetermineSpecialBehaviorMakes a creature use behave a special way overriding default behavior.
FindSingleRangedTargetSeeks out an enemy more than 3m away
GetAILevelRetrieves the current AI (artificial intelligence) level that a creature is running at.
GetBehaviorStateTest whether a creature is in a particular behavior state.
GetCreatureTalentBestDetermines the best talent of a creature from a group of talents.
GetDistanceBetweenThe distance in meters between two objects
GetDistanceBetweenLocationsThe distance in meters between two locations in the game.
GetDistanceToObjectThe distance from the caller of the script to the object in meters.
GetFactionMostDamagedMemberGet the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage.
GetFleeToExitReturns TRUE if the executing object can use ActivateFleeToExit.
GetFollowDistanceDetermines the distance in meters that the associate should follow its 'master' at.
GetGoingToBeAttackedByDetermines the creature that is going to attack another creature in the current combat round.
GetIsFightingDetermines whether a creature is "fighting".
GetLastGenericSpellCastRetrieves the last spell that was cast by the calling creature.
GetLastHostileActorGets the last living, non plot creature that performed a hostile act against the object.
GetLastPCRestedReturns the last PC that rested.
GetLastPerceptionInaudibleGets the last perceived object which can no longer be heard.
GetListenPatternNumberCheck if a conversation pattern has been activated in an OnConversation event.
GetMostDangerousClassUse the four archetypes to determine the most dangerous group type facing the NPC.
GetNPCWarningStatusDetermines a NPC's state of mind toward another object.
GetRacialTypeCountDetermines the number of creatures of a race within 20 meters.
GetSpawnInConditionDetermines whether a creature has a certain condition set by BioWare's core AI system.
PlayImmobileAmbientAnimationsMakes a creature act out some animations where they stand to look more lifelike.
PlayMobileAmbientAnimationsMakes a creature act out some animations to look more lifelike.
PrefersDetermines whether the adventurer prefers using a weapon type.
RemoveAmbientSleepRemoves a sleep effect on a successful listen check.
RespondToShoutSets NPC to respond to numerous alerts sent by PC or other NPCs.
RunNextCircuitMakes an NPC move to their initial waypoint.
SetAILevelSets the AI (artificial intelligence) level of a creature.
SetAssociateStartLocationSets an NPC associate's start location to it's current location.
SetBehaviorStateSets an NPC's behavior.
SetLastGenericSpellCastSets a local variable that stores the spell ID of the last spell cast.
SetListeningSets whether an object should listen.
SetListeningPatternsPrepares the listening patterns to allow for the AI to function properly.
SetListenPatternSets an object to listen to a particular pattern.
SetNPCWarningStatusStores the condition of an NPC warning status.
SetSpawnInConditionSets custom flags that influence the default AI scripts provided by BioWare.
SetSummonEffectSpecifies the visual special effect and specific creature to be summoned based on the spell cast.
SetSummonHelpIfAttackedCreates an encounter that is meant to help an attacked NPC.
SetWayPointTo1Tells an NPC to return to their first waypoint.
TalentMeleeAttackDetermines course of action while in melee combat for all NPCs.
TalentMeleeAttackedDetermines best course of action for NPC spell-caster when in melee combat.
TalentSeeInvisibleDetermines if the NPC has the ability to see invisible creatures through feat or spell.
VerifyCombatMeleeTalentDetermines whether a combat talent could be used on an object.
VerifyDisarmDetermines whether a creature could possibly be disarmed.
WalkWayPointsMake an NPC creature walk a series of preset waypoints.

See Also

Function Categories