SetListenPattern(object, string, int)

Sets an object to listen to a particular pattern.

void SetListenPattern(
    object oObject,
    string sPattern,
    int nNumber = 0



The object that will listen for certain things.


The patterns of speech to listen for. See Remarks section for details.


The index of this particular pattern. (Default: 0)


Sets what oObject to listen for sPattern.

Note: You must call SetListening to actually set the object to listen.


You can call this function several times to listen to different things.

Bioware uses this to help with the AI, sending commands through shouts and having its faction members respond appropriately.

From Noel (Bioware):
** will match zero or more characters
*w one or more whitespace
*n one or more numeric
*p one or more punctuation
*a one or more alphabetic
| is or
( and ) can be used for blocks

- setting a creature to listen for "**" will match any string
- telling him to listen for "**funk**" will match any string that contains the word "funk".
- "**(bash|open|unlock)**(chest|door)**" will match strings like "open the door please" or "he just bashed that chest!"



See Also

functions: GetIsListening | GetListenPatternNumber | GetMatchedSubstring | GetMatchedSubstringsCount | SetListening
categories: Core AI Functions | Henchmen/Familiars/Summoned Functions
events: OnConversation Event

 author: Tom Cassiotis, editor: Charles Feduke, additional contributor(s): Max Aller