Get a matched substring specified by a listen pattern.
string GetMatchedSubstring( int nString );
Index of the matched substring. Begins at 0.
Returns a matched substring specified by a listen pattern. The matched substring to be returned is indexed by nString (described below). This function should only be run in an OnConversation script when a listen pattern has been set using SetListenPattern with wildcards (e.g., SetListenPattern(OBJECT_SELF, "FOO**", 500) will match "FOO", "FOOTER" "FOOBAR", and "FOOT"; the patterns are case insensitive meaning that “FoOBaR” and “fooBAR” will also match).
As an example, consider the listen pattern specified by SetListenPattern(OBJECT_SELF, "FOO**", 500). Suppose an NPC heard the string "foobar":
First, a pattern match is checked for:
GetListenPatternNumber() returns 500.
Then the number of matched substrings is determined:
GetMatchedSubstringsCount() returns 2.
Indexes of the matched substrings begin at 0 (like an array in C, with a 0 index). For example:
GetMatchedSubstring(0) returns "foo".
GetMatchedSubstring(1) returns "bar".
As another example, if you have a listen pattern like SetListenPattern(OBJECT_SELF, "**foo**bar**", 500), and the NPC hears "foofoofoobarbarbar":
GetMatchedSubstring(0) returns "".
GetMatchedSubstring(1) returns "foo".
GetMatchedSubstring(2) returns "foofoo".
GetMatchedSubstring(3) returns "bar".
GetMatchedSubstring(4) returns "barbar".
Special thanks to Temple for the HOW TO of this function. If you want your real name posted comment on this page.
// This program will cause an npc to listen out for woot and then respond. // OnSpawn void main() { SetListening(OBJECT_SELF,TRUE); SetListenPattern(OBJECT_SELF,"Woot**",2001); } // OnConversation void main() { int i = 0; int nMatch = GetListenPatternNumber(); if(nMatch == 2001) SpeakString("YEAH IT WORKS"); nMatch = GetMatchedSubstringsCount(); SpeakString(IntToString(nMatch)); while(i<nMatch) { SpeakString(IntToString(i) + ". " + GetMatchedSubstring(i)); i++; } }
See Also
functions: | GetListenPatternNumber | GetMatchedSubstringsCount | SetListening | SetListeningPatterns | SetListenPattern |
categories: | Conversation Functions | Henchmen/Familiars/Summoned Functions |
events: | OnConversation Event |
author: GoLeM, editor: Kristian Markon