Henchmen/Familiars/Summoned Function Category

Functions used to deal with NPC henchmen, familiars, or summoned creatures.


NameBrief Description
ActionForceFollowObjectForces an NPC to follow an object.
ActionUseSkillCauses a creature to attempt to use a skill on another object.
AddHenchmanAdds a henchman NPC to a PC.
CheckIsUnlockedPlays voice chat messages that indicates the locked status of a door or placeable.
ClearAssociateActionsClear the actions of one of each type of the PC's associates
CopyLocalsCopies locals from earlier level henchmen to newer henchman
CreateBalorSummons a Balor to fight for the caster
DestroyAllPersonalItemsDestroys all henchman items.
DestroyChapterQuestItemDestroys the chapter specific quest item given to oPC by the henchman.
DestroyChapterRewardItemDestroys the chapter specific reward item given to oPC by the henchman.
DoFollowMasterMake the henchman approach its master if it is too far away, depending on the distance it has been asked to keep
DoLevelUpLevels up an NPC to appropriate PC henchman level.
EffectSwarmReturns a Swarm effect.
EquipAppropriateWeaponsCause a creature to ready an appropriate weapon.
GetAnimalCompanionCreatureTypeGet a creature's familiar creature type.
GetAnimalCompanionNameGets a creature's familiar name.
GetAssociateReturns an object's associate.
GetAssociateStartLocationGets the start location of an NPC associate.
GetAssociateTypeReturns the associate type of the specified creature
GetBeenHiredChecks if a henchman has been hired.
GetBehindCauses the caller to move behind the player who is considered their Master.
GetCanLevelUpDetermines if an NPC henchman should level up.
GetCreatureStartingPackageReturns the default level up package
GetDidDieTRUE if the player has died.
GetFactionMostDamagedMemberGet the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage.
GetFamiliarCreatureTypeGets the PC's animal companion creature type.
GetFamiliarNameGet a creature's animal companion name.
GetFormerMasterDetermines the player that was the master of a NPC.
GetGoingToBeAttackedByDetermines the creature that is going to attack another creature in the current combat round.
GetHenchmanDetermines the henchman of a PC.
GetIsPossessedFamiliarRetrieves the controller status of a familiar.
GetLastAssociateCommandGet the last command issued to a given associate.
GetLastHostileActorGets the last living, non plot creature that performed a hostile act against the object.
GetListenPatternNumberCheck if a conversation pattern has been activated in an OnConversation event.
GetLockedObjectFinds the closest locked object up to a maximum of 10 objects away.
GetMasterDetermine who controls a creature.
GetMatchedSubstringGet a matched substring specified by a listen pattern.
GetMatchedSubstringsCountGet the number of listen pattern substrings matched.
GetMaxHenchmenGets the maximum number of henchmen
GetWorkingForPlayerReturns if the henchman is working for the player.
GiveChapterRewardItemGives a reward item to the player.
GivePersonalItemMakes the henchman give his or her personal item to the player.
HasChapterRewardItemChecks if player has the chapter reward item.
HasPersonalItemChecks if the player has the henchman’s personal item.
IsBusyDetermines whether an associate is busy.
LevelUpHenchmanLevels up a creature using the default settings.
OpenInventoryOpens a player's inventory panel.
OpenNearestLockDoesn’t work.
PCdebug function for displaying strings. Returns the first pc in the area
RemoveHenchmanRemoves the henchmen from the employ of a PC.
RemoveSummonedAssociateRemoves an associate NPC from the service of a PC.
ResetHenchmenStateHenchman becomes available for other instructions by PC.
SetAssociateListenPatternsPrepares an associate (henchman, summoned, familiar) to be commanded.
SetAssociateStartLocationSets an NPC associate's start location to it's current location.
SetAssociateStateChanges the behavior of an associate.
SetBeenHiredSets whether a henchman has been hired before
SetDidDieStores if the henchman has just died
SetFormerMasterMarks someone as an NPC henchman's former master PC.
SetIsBusyCauses an associate to be considered busy.
SetListeningSets whether an object should listen.
SetListenPatternSets an object to listen to a particular pattern.
SetMaxHenchmenSets the maximum number of henchmen
SetSummonEffectSpecifies the visual special effect and specific creature to be summoned based on the spell cast.
SetWorkingForPlayerSpecifies the PC name the henchman is working for.
SpawnHenchmanCreates the henchmen for each chapter of the original campaign of appropriate level for PC.
SpeakQuickChatSends a line of text overhead the henchman.
StripAllPersonalItemsFromEveryoneRemoves henchmen 'hired' items for use in the original campaign.
UnpossessFamiliarUnpossesses a familiar from its controller.

See Also

Function Categories