Conversation Function Category
Functions that deal with conversations.
Name | Brief Description |
ActionPauseConversation | Pause the current conversation. |
ActionResumeConversation | Resume a conversation after it has been paused. |
ActionSpeakString | Causes an object to speak. |
ActionSpeakStringByStrRef | Causes the creature to speak a translated string. |
ActionStartConversation | NPC action to start a conversation with a PC |
AddJournalQuestEntry | Add an entry to a player's Journal. (Create the entry in the Journal Editor first). |
BeginConversation | Attempts to start a conversation immediately. |
FaceNearestPC | Causes an NPC to face the nearest visible PC. |
FloatingTextStringOnCreature | Briefly displays ambient text above targets head. |
FloatingTextStrRefOnCreature | Briefly displays a string ref as ambient text above targets head. |
GetDialogSoundLength | Retrieves the length of a wave (audio) file in seconds. |
GetJournalQuestExperience | Returns the amount of experience set for a journal category. |
GetLastSpeaker | Determines the last creature that was communicated with. |
GetListenPatternNumber | Check if a conversation pattern has been activated in an OnConversation event. |
GetMatchedSubstring | Get a matched substring specified by a listen pattern. |
GetMatchedSubstringsCount | Get the number of listen pattern substrings matched. |
GetPCSpeaker | Retrieves the PC that is currently in a conversation with an NPC. |
IsInConversation | Determines whether an object is in conversation. |
PersistentConversationAttempt | This function attempts to ensure that an NPC starts a conversation with a specified PC. |
PlayConversationAnimation | Makes caller face a PC and play an animation. |
PlaySpeakSoundByStrRef | Do a call to both SpeakStringByStrRef and PlaySoundByStrRef at the same time. |
SetCustomToken | Sets the value for a custom token. |
SpeakOneLinerConversation | Immediately speak a conversation one-liner. |
SpeakString | Forces an object to immediately speak. |
SpeakStringByStrRef | Causes an object to instantly speak a translated string. |
StartingConditional | This is the template function for the conversation editor |
StringToRGBString | Given a string and an RGB color encoded string, this function returns an equivalent string that will display in the specified color. |