
Gets the leader of a players party.

object GetFactionLeader(
    object oMemberOfFaction



Player object that is in the party of the leader you are seeking.


Returns the leader (in an object variable) of the faction (party) of which oMemberOfFaction is a member.

Return value is OBJECT_INVALID if oMemberOfFaction is not a valid creature, or is a NPC faction.


Used to get the leader of a player run party. Usually, the "leader" is hardly ever used, and is mearly the person who has control of who to kick from a party more then anything else.

Cannot be used for NPC factions as there is no way to define a leader for them.

This cannot be reproduced using anything else, and is one of the few totally unique GetFactionXXX() function calls.




// Placed in the Modules OnPlayerDeath Event, this will send a 
// message to the player's party leader, informing them that
// this player has died.

void main()
    // Get the last player who died
    object oPC = GetLastPlayerDied();

    // Get thier "leader", the one with a little crown
    object oLeader = GetFactionLeader(oPC);

    // Get the name of the player who died
    string sName = GetName(oPC);

    // Now, if the leader is valid and NOT the person who died (um, 
    // duh, who'd want a message about thier own death?) then 
    // send the message.
    if(GetIsObjectValid(oLeader) == TRUE &&
       oLeader != oPC)
        SendMessageToPC(oLeader, sName + " has died!");

See Also

functions: GetFactionGold
categories: Party Functions | Reputation/Faction Functions

 author: John Shuell, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Nils Jeppe, Charles Feduke, Jasperre