Party Function Category
Functions that deal with parties.
Name | Brief Description |
AddToParty | Adds a PC to the party of another PC. |
AdjustAlignmentOnAll | Adjusts the alignment of the party. |
AdjustReputationWithFaction | Adjusts reputation of each member in PC's party with NPC's faction |
aGetPLocalInt | Scans through the PC's party and returns the largest value stored on a character. |
aSetPLocalInt | Sets a local integer on each of the party members. |
CheckPartyForItem | Check party for possession of an item. |
ClearNearbyFriendActions | Clears the actions of a creature and all nearby friends |
ClearPersonalReputationWithFaction | Clears reputation of each member of PC's party with NPC's faction |
DeleteCampaignDBVariableOnAll | Deletes a campaign DB variable from all PCs in a PC's party. |
GetFactionAverageXP | Get the average amount of XPs for all members in an objects faction. |
GetFactionBestAC | Get the member of a faction (party) who has the highest Armor Class. |
GetFactionGold | Get the amount of gold held by all members of a certain faction. |
GetFactionLeader | Gets the leader of a players party. |
GetFactionLeastDamagedMember | Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the fewest hit points of damage. |
GetFactionMostDamagedMember | Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage. |
GetFactionMostFrequentClass | Returns a constant representing the most common type of class amongst the members of a faction (party). |
GetFactionStrongestMember | Get the member of an object's faction who is the strongest. |
GetFactionWeakestMember | Get the weakest member in a faction (party). |
GetFactionWorstAC | Get the object faction member with the lowest armor class. |
GetIsItemPossessedByParty | Check to see if any character in the party has the specified item. |
GetItemPossessedByParty | Check to see if the specified item belongs to anyone in the party. |
GetLevelByClass | Get the level of an object in a given class. |
GetLevelByPosition | Get the class level of an object from the class table. |
GetListenPatternNumber | Check if a conversation pattern has been activated in an OnConversation event. |
GetNumberPartyMembers | Returns the number of players in the PC's party +1 |
GetPLocalInt | Determines the value of a locally stored variable from any PC in a party. |
GiveGoldToAll | Gives an amount of gold to each PC in a PC's party |
GiveGoldToAllEqually | Divides a given amount of gold equally among PCs in a PC's party |
GiveXPToAll | Gives experience points to each PC in a PC's party |
GiveXPToAllEqually | Divides experience points equally among PCs in a PC's party |
RemoveFromParty | Removes a PC from their party. |
RemoveItemFromParty | Removes the specified item from whichever member of the party has it. |
RewardPartyXP | Gives experience to a PC and (optionally) all party members. |
SetCampaignDBFloatOnAll | Sets a campaign DB float variable on all PCs in a PC's party |
SetCampaignDBIntOnAll | Sets a campaign DB integer on all PCs in PC's party |
SetCampaignDBLocationOnAll | Sets a campaign DB location variable on all PCs of a PC's party |
SetCampaignDBStringOnAll | Sets a campaign string variable on all PCs in a PC's party |
SetCampaignDBVectorOnAll | Sets a campaign DB vector variable on all PCs in a PC's party |
SetLocalFloatOnAll | Sets a local float variable on all members of PC's party |
SetLocalIntOnAll | Sets a local integer on all members of PC's party |
SetLocalLocationOnAll | Sets a local location variable on all members of PC's party |
SetLocalObjectOnAll | Sets a local object variable on all members of the PC's party |
SetLocalStringOnAll | Sets a local string on all members and associates of PC's party |
SetPLocalInt | Sets a variable that remains attached to a PC party. |
StoreCampaignDBObjectOnAll | Stores a campaign DB object on all PCs of a PC's party |