Reputation/Faction Function Category
Functions that deal with reputation or faction.
Name | Brief Description |
AdjustFactionReputation | Adjusts all factions members reputation in relation to another faction. |
AdjustReputation | Adjusts positively or negatively how a whole faction views a specific person. |
AdjustReputationWithFaction | Adjusts reputation of each member in PC's party with NPC's faction |
ChangeFaction | Change a creature's faction to that of another. |
ChangeToStandardFaction | Changes a creature's faction to one of the four standard factions. |
ClearAllFactionMembers | Makes an NPC or group of NPCs feel Neutral towards the PC. |
ClearPersonalReputation | Changes the friendly or hostile feelings an NPC or creature may have towards a PC, NPC or other creature. |
ClearPersonalReputationWithFaction | Clears reputation of each member of PC's party with NPC's faction |
GetFactionAverageGoodEvilAlignment | Get the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Good/Evil alignment |
GetFactionAverageLawChaosAlignment | Get the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Law/Chaos alignment |
GetFactionAverageLevel | Get the average level of the members of the faction. |
GetFactionAverageReputation | Get an integer between 0 and 100 (inclusive) that represents how an objects faction members collectively feel about the target object. |
GetFactionAverageXP | Get the average amount of XPs for all members in an objects faction. |
GetFactionBestAC | Get the member of a faction (party) who has the highest Armor Class. |
GetFactionEqual | Are both objects in the same faction? |
GetFactionGold | Get the amount of gold held by all members of a certain faction. |
GetFactionLeader | Gets the leader of a players party. |
GetFactionLeastDamagedMember | Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the fewest hit points of damage. |
GetFactionMostDamagedMember | Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage. |
GetFactionMostFrequentClass | Returns a constant representing the most common type of class amongst the members of a faction (party). |
GetFactionStrongestMember | Get the member of an object's faction who is the strongest. |
GetFactionWeakestMember | Get the weakest member in a faction (party). |
GetFactionWorstAC | Get the object faction member with the lowest armor class. |
GetFirstFactionMember | Obtains the first member of the faction that a creature is a member of. |
GetIsEnemy | Determines whether a creature considers another creature an enemy. |
GetIsFriend | Check whether a creature considers another creature a friend. |
GetIsNeutral | Check whether a creature considers another creature to be neutral to them. |
GetIsReactionTypeFriendly | Determine whether a creature has a friendly reaction towards another given creature. |
GetIsReactionTypeHostile | Determine whether a creature has a hostile reaction towards another given creature. |
GetIsReactionTypeNeutral | Determine whether oSource has a neutral reaction towards oTarget |
GetNextFactionMember | Obtains the next member of the faction that a creature is a member of. |
GetReactionAdjustment | Gets the adjusted Reaction for the purposes of store pricing. |
GetReputation | Determines how one creature feels toward another creature. |
GetStandardFactionReputation | Determines a creature's faction standing within a given standard faction group. |
SetIsEnemy | Causes a creature to be flagged as an enemy using reputation. |
SetIsTemporaryEnemy | Causes an creature to consider another creature an enemy indefintely or for a fixed time. |
SetIsTemporaryFriend | Causes an creature to consider another creature a friend indefintely or for a fixed time. |
SetIsTemporaryNeutral | Causes an creature to consider another creature neutral indefintely or for a fixed time. |
SetPCDislike | Sets the fact that a player dislikes a creature (or object). |
SetPCLike | Causes a creature to "like" a PC. |
SetStandardFactionReputation | Set a creature's faction standing within a given standard faction group. |
ShoutDisturbed | Turns NPCs of the container's faction hostile towards the PC that destroyed or opened the container. |
SurrenderAllToEnemies | Causes all NPC's in the same faction as the given character to surrender. |
SurrenderToEnemies | Causes all creatures in a 10 meter (1 tile) radius to stop actions, improves the creature's reputation with nearby enemies for 3 minutes. Only works for NPCs. |