Reputation/Faction Function Category

Functions that deal with reputation or faction.


NameBrief Description
AdjustFactionReputationAdjusts all factions members reputation in relation to another faction.
AdjustReputationAdjusts positively or negatively how a whole faction views a specific person.
AdjustReputationWithFactionAdjusts reputation of each member in PC's party with NPC's faction
ChangeFactionChange a creature's faction to that of another.
ChangeToStandardFactionChanges a creature's faction to one of the four standard factions.
ClearAllFactionMembersMakes an NPC or group of NPCs feel Neutral towards the PC.
ClearPersonalReputationChanges the friendly or hostile feelings an NPC or creature may have towards a PC, NPC or other creature.
ClearPersonalReputationWithFactionClears reputation of each member of PC's party with NPC's faction
GetFactionAverageGoodEvilAlignmentGet the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Good/Evil alignment
GetFactionAverageLawChaosAlignmentGet the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Law/Chaos alignment
GetFactionAverageLevelGet the average level of the members of the faction.
GetFactionAverageReputationGet an integer between 0 and 100 (inclusive) that represents how an objects faction members collectively feel about the target object.
GetFactionAverageXPGet the average amount of XPs for all members in an objects faction.
GetFactionBestACGet the member of a faction (party) who has the highest Armor Class.
GetFactionEqualAre both objects in the same faction?
GetFactionGoldGet the amount of gold held by all members of a certain faction.
GetFactionLeaderGets the leader of a players party.
GetFactionLeastDamagedMemberGet the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the fewest hit points of damage.
GetFactionMostDamagedMemberGet the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage.
GetFactionMostFrequentClassReturns a constant representing the most common type of class amongst the members of a faction (party).
GetFactionStrongestMemberGet the member of an object's faction who is the strongest.
GetFactionWeakestMemberGet the weakest member in a faction (party).
GetFactionWorstACGet the object faction member with the lowest armor class.
GetFirstFactionMemberObtains the first member of the faction that a creature is a member of.
GetIsEnemyDetermines whether a creature considers another creature an enemy.
GetIsFriendCheck whether a creature considers another creature a friend.
GetIsNeutralCheck whether a creature considers another creature to be neutral to them.
GetIsReactionTypeFriendlyDetermine whether a creature has a friendly reaction towards another given creature.
GetIsReactionTypeHostileDetermine whether a creature has a hostile reaction towards another given creature.
GetIsReactionTypeNeutralDetermine whether oSource has a neutral reaction towards oTarget
GetNextFactionMemberObtains the next member of the faction that a creature is a member of.
GetReactionAdjustmentGets the adjusted Reaction for the purposes of store pricing.
GetReputationDetermines how one creature feels toward another creature.
GetStandardFactionReputationDetermines a creature's faction standing within a given standard faction group.
SetIsEnemyCauses a creature to be flagged as an enemy using reputation.
SetIsTemporaryEnemyCauses an creature to consider another creature an enemy indefintely or for a fixed time.
SetIsTemporaryFriendCauses an creature to consider another creature a friend indefintely or for a fixed time.
SetIsTemporaryNeutralCauses an creature to consider another creature neutral indefintely or for a fixed time.
SetPCDislikeSets the fact that a player dislikes a creature (or object).
SetPCLikeCauses a creature to "like" a PC.
SetStandardFactionReputationSet a creature's faction standing within a given standard faction group.
ShoutDisturbedTurns NPCs of the container's faction hostile towards the PC that destroyed or opened the container.
SurrenderAllToEnemiesCauses all NPC's in the same faction as the given character to surrender.
SurrenderToEnemiesCauses all creatures in a 10 meter (1 tile) radius to stop actions, improves the creature's reputation with nearby enemies for 3 minutes. Only works for NPCs.

See Also

Function Categories