ClearAllFactionMembers(object, object)

Makes an NPC or group of NPCs feel Neutral towards the PC.

void ClearAllFactionMembers(
    object oMember,
    object oPlayer





Receives the oMember object, and adjusts all members of the oMembers faction group to friendly reputation towards the oPlayer.

To use this, copy it to your script, or use the code example for the function without having to find the original script.


Note that this function is most useful to clear personal reputations at other times then just death - for example, making an entire guard faction for a town friendly, if the PC mistakenly pickpocketed one of them (which causes personal reputation to change).

If the global flag of a faction is off too, then using this will make sure all the NPC's in that faction react as the Adjusted Alignment makes them.

nw_o0_death.nss: 15

This function is currently commented out as of 1.29.

See also David Gaider's Scripting Tutorial under 'Shouts, Factions and Attacking My Enemy'. <>


#include "nw_o0_death"




// The original function in all its glory. It is here because it is
// uncommented in later versions of the game, but still useful.

void ClearAllFactionMembers(object oMember, object oPlayer)
    AdjustReputation(oPlayer, oMember, 100);
    // * Player bad
    SetLocalInt(oPlayer, "NW_G_Playerhasbeenbad", 10);
    // Clear all faction members' reputations
    object oClear = GetFirstFactionMember(oMember, FALSE);
    while (GetIsObjectValid(oClear) == TRUE)
        ClearPersonalReputation(oPlayer, oClear);
        oClear = GetNextFactionMember(oMember, FALSE);

See Also

functions: AdjustFactionReputation | AdjustReputation | GetReputation | GetStandardFactionReputation | SetStandardFactionReputation
categories: Prototyped but Unused Functions | Reputation/Faction Functions
events: OnDeath Event | OnPhysicalAttacked Event

 author: Jody Fletcher, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Lilac Soul