GetReputation(object, object)

Determines how one creature feels toward another creature.

int GetReputation(
    object oSource,
    object oTarget



The creature (or object) is the subject of oTarget's feelings.


The creature (or object) whose feelings we wish to know.


Returns an integer between 0 and 100 (inclusive) that represents how oSource feels about oTarget.

Returns -1 if either oSource or oTarget is an invalid object.


Interpretation of the values returned by this function:

0-10 means oSource is hostile to oTarget: oSource will attack oTarget on sight.

11-89 means oSource is neutral to oTarget: oSource won't attack oTarget, but won't defend it either.

90-100 means oSource is friendly to oTarget: oSource will anyone attacking oTarget.

Known Bugs

This must have had a bug in pre-1.64 patches. 1.64 reports that it had some crashes to do with invalid objects being oSource or oTarget, which have now been fixed.



See Also

functions: ClearAllFactionMembers | ClearPersonalReputation | GetFactionAverageReputation
categories: Reputation/Faction Functions

 author: Tom Cassiotis, editor: Jasperre, additional contributor(s): Lilac Soul, Jasperre