IPGetWeaponAppearanceType(object, int, int)

Returns a weapon appearance type for the specified weapon part.

int IPGetWeaponAppearanceType(
    object oWeapon,
    int nPart,
    int nMode



The object being examined.


ITEM_APPR_WEAPON_MODEL_* Weapon part for which an appearance type is to be returned.


X2_IP_WEAPONTYPE_* Whether next, previous or a random appearance type is returned.


This function determines the current appearance type for a specified weapon part (nPart) of oWeapon and returns either the next / previous appearance type (relative to the current appearance type), or a random valid appearance type, drawn from the full list of appearance types for the specified weapon part.

The value of the parameter nMode determines whether the next, previous, or a random appearance type is returned.

nMode can be any of the following:

The value of nPart determines the weapon part number, for which an appearance type is returned. nPart can take on any of the following values:


The function assumes that every weapon part (-> nPart) has exactly 9 appearance types.

This function selects one appearance type from the list of 9 types for the specified weapon part.

This is an internal function. See the note near the top of #include index for more details.


#include "x2_inc_itemprop"



See Also

functions:  GetItemAppearance | IPGetArmorAppearanceType | IPGetNextArmorAppearanceType | IPGetNumberOfArmorAppearances | IPGetPrevArmorAppearanceType | IPGetRandomArmorAppearanceType
constants:  ITEM_APPR_*
categories:  Item Creation Functions | Item Properties Functions

author: motu99, editor: Mistress