
Library for item property and item modification specific code.

If you are looking for anything specific to item properties, your chances are good to find it in here.


NameValueBrief Description
X2_IP_ADDRPOP_2DAdes_crft_props2da for the AddProperty ItemProperty.
X2_IP_ADDPROP_POLICY_KEEP_EXISTING1Policy constant for IPSafeAddItemProperty().
X2_IP_ADDPROP_POLICY_IGNORE_EXISTING2Policy constant for IPSafeAddItemProperty().
X2_IP_ADDPROP_POLICY_REPLACE_EXISTING0Policy constant for IPSafeAddItemProperty().
X2_IP_ARMORAPPEARANCE_2DAdes_crft_appear2da for armor appearance.
X2_IP_ARMORPARTS_2DAdes_crft_aparts2da for armor parts.
X2_IP_ARMORTYPE_NEXT0Used with the armor modification system.
X2_IP_ARMORTYPE_PREV1Used with the armor modification system.
X2_IP_ARMORTYPE_RANDOM2Used with the armor modification system.
XP_IP_ITEMMODCONVERSATION_CTOKENBASE12220Base custom token for item modification conversations.
X2_IP_ITEMMODCONVERSATION_MODE_CRAFT1Base custom token for item modification conversations.
X2_IP_ITEMMODCONVERSATION_MODE_TAILOR0Base custom token for item modification conversations.
X2_IP_MAX_ITEM_PROPERTIES8Number of maximum item properties allowed on most items.
X2_IP_POISONWEAPON_2DAdes_crft_poison2da for the Poison Weapon Itemproperty.
X2_IP_WEAPONTYPE_NEXT0Used with the armor modification system.
X2_IP_WEAPONTYPE_PREV1Used with the armor modification system.
X2_IP_WEAPONTYPE_RANDOM2Used with the armor modification system.
X2_IP_WORK_CONTAINER_TAGx2_plc_ipboxThe tag of the ip work container, a placeable which has to be set into each module that is using any of the crafting functions.


NameBrief Description
IPCopyItemPropertiesInternal function. Copies all permanent item properties from one object to another.
IPCreateAndModifyArmorRobeInternal function. Copies an armor object and changes its appearance.
IPCreateProficiencyFeatItemOnCreatureInternal function. Gives a creature all available proficiency feats.
IPDyeArmorChanges the color of an armor.
IPGetArmorAppearanceTypeInternal function. Returns an armor appearance type for the specified armor model.
IPGetDamageBonusConstantFromNumberConverts a number into a damage bonus itemproperty constant.
IPGetDamagePowerConstantFromNumberConverts a number to a damage power constant
IPGetHasItemPropertyByConstInternal function. Returns whether an item has an itemproperty.
IPGetHasItemPropertyOnCharacterReturns whether a character has an item with a certain itemproperty type equipped.
IPGetHasUseLimitationInternal function. Returns whether an item has any usage limitations.
IPGetIPConstCastSpellFromSpellIDReturns a spell's corresponding itemproperty constant.
IPGetIPWorkContainerReturns the container used for item property and appearance modifications in the module
IPGetIsBludgeoningWeaponChecks if an item is a bludgeoning weapon.
IPGetIsIntelligentWeaponReturns whether an item has the intelligent itemproperty.
IPGetIsItemEquipableChecks if an item can be equipped.
IPGetIsMeleeWeaponChecks if an item is a melee weapon.
IPGetIsProjectileChecks if an item is a projectile.
IPGetIsRangedWeaponChecks if an item is a ranged weapon.
IPGetItemHasItemOnHitPropertySubTypeChecks if an item has a specified onhit subtype itemproperty.
IPGetItemHasPropertyChecks if an item has a matching itemproperty.
IPGetItemPropertyByIDReturns an itemproperty.
IPGetItemSequencerPropertyChecks the sequencer property of an item.
IPGetModifiedArmorCopies and modifies an armor and returns it as an object.
IPGetModifiedWeaponInternal function. Returns a copy of a weapon with the appearance of one weapon part modified.
IPGetNextArmorAppearanceTypeReturns the next valid appearance type for an armor.
IPGetNumberOfAppearancesReturns the number of armor part variations for the specified part.

Does not work. Function is prototyped but not implemented.
IPGetNumberOfArmorAppearancesInternal function. Returns the number of possible appearance types for the specified armor model (armor part).
IPGetNumberOfItemPropertiesReturns the number of item properties present on an item.
IPGetPrevArmorAppearanceTypeReturns the armor's previous valid appearance type for the specified part.
IPGetRandomArmorAppearanceTypeReturns a random valid armor appearance type of the appropriate part.
IPGetTargetedOrEquippedArmorInternal function. Returns the equipped armor or shield of a spell target.
IPGetTargetedOrEquippedMeleeWeaponInternal function. Returns the equipped melee weapon of a spell target.
IPGetWeaponAppearanceTypeInternal function. Returns a weapon appearance type for the specified weapon part.
IPGetWeaponEnhancementBonusReturns a weapon's enhancement bonus.
IPRemoveAllItemPropertiesRemoves all itemproperties from an item.
IPRemoveMatchingItemPropertiesRemoves itemproperties of a given type, duration, and subtype from an item.
IPSafeAddItemPropertySafely add an itemproperty to an item.
IPSetWeaponEnhancementBonusSets an enhancement bonus on a weapon.
IPUpgradeWeaponEnhancementBonusUpgrades a weapon's enhancement bonus.
IPWildShapeCopyItemPropertiesCopies itemproperties from one item to another.

 author: Charles Feduke, editors: Mistress, Kolyana, contributor: motu99