SetGlobal(object, object)

Sets where all the globals for a plot are going to be stored.

void SetGlobal(
    object oTarget,
    object oGlobal



The object you wish to store the plot related information on.


The object to store the plot information on, created using the Global() function.


Creates an object on oTarget to hold the plot related information object created using the Global() function.


Part of a series of scripts that are used to store quest related information and make simple quests easy to script. This particular function is defined in more than one file:

Function can be found in nw_j_complex.nss on line 44.
Function can be found in nw_j_story.nss on line 47.
Function can be found in nw_j_theft.nss on line 44.
Function can be found in nw_j_fetch.nss on line 47.
Function can be found in nw_j_artifact.nss on line 47.
Function can be found in nw_j_assassin.nss on line 107.
Function can be found in nw_j_guard.nss on line 47.
Function can be found in nw_j_rescue.nss on line 64.


#include "nw_j_artifact"



See Also

functions: Global | TakeArtifactItem | TakeComplexItem | TakeStoryItem
categories: Local Variables Functions

 author: John Shuell