Local Variables Function Category

Functions used to deal with local variables.


NameBrief Description
aGetPLocalIntScans through the PC's party and returns the largest value stored on a character.
aSetPLocalIntSets a local integer on each of the party members.
DeleteLocalFloatDeletes oObject's float variable sVarName
DeleteLocalIntDeletes oObject's integer variable sVarName.
DeleteLocalLocationDeletes oObject's location variable sVarName.
DeleteLocalObjectDeletes oObject's object variable sVarName
DeleteLocalStringDeletes oObject's string variable sVarName.
DeleteSkinFloatRemoves a persistent floating point variable from a creature's skin item.
DeleteSkinIntRemoves a persistent integer variable from a creature's skin item.
DeleteSkinStringRemoves a persistent string variable from a creature's skin item.
GetLocalArrayIntSimulates retrieving an Integer from an array on an object.
GetLocalArrayStringSimulates retrieving a String from an array on an object.
GetLocalFloatGet the value of a decimal number stored on an object.
GetLocalIntGet the value of a whole number stored on an object.
GetLocalLocationGet the data describing a location stored on an object.
GetLocalObjectGet the data describing an object stored on an object.
GetLocalStringGet the value of a string of characters stored on an object.
GetPLocalIntDetermines the value of a locally stored variable from any PC in a party.
GetSkinFloatRetrieves a persistent floating point variable from a creature's skin item.
GetSkinIntRetrieves a persistent integer variable from a creature's skin item.
GetSkinStringRetrieves a persistent string variable from a creature's skin item.
GlobalReturns an object stored locally on the calling object that holds quest related state information.
PWSetMinLocalIntPartySets a local integer variable for all players in a player's party.
PWSetMinLocalIntPartyPCSpeakerSets a local integer variable for all players in GetPCSpeaker's party.
SetArtifactItemStores the tag of the artifact item in a local string.
SetAssassinHeadStores the tag of the assassin victim’s head in a local string.
SetComplexItemStores the tag of the complex item in a local string.
SetGlobalSets where all the globals for a plot are going to be stored.
SetLocalArrayIntSimulates storing a local integer in an array.
SetLocalArrayStringSimulates storing a local string in an array.
SetLocalFloatStore a float as a local variable within an object.
SetLocalFloatOnAllSets a local float variable on all members of PC's party
SetLocalIntStore a number as a local variable within an object.
SetLocalIntOnAllSets a local integer on all members of PC's party
SetLocalLocationStore a location as a local variable within an object.
SetLocalLocationOnAllSets a local location variable on all members of PC's party
SetLocalObjectStore an object as a local variable within an object.
SetLocalObjectOnAllSets a local object variable on all members of the PC's party
SetLocalStringStore a string as a local variable within an object.
SetLocalStringOnAllSets a local string on all members and associates of PC's party
SetPLocalIntSets a variable that remains attached to a PC party.
SetSkinFloatStores a persistent floating point variable on a creature's skin item.
SetSkinIntStores a persistent integer variable on a creature's skin item.
SetSkinStringStores a persistent string variable on a creature's skin item.
SetWorkingForPlayerSpecifies the PC name the henchman is working for.

See Also

Function Categories

author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Mistress, contributor: Axe Murderer