
These functions are specific to the Official Campaign.

NOTE: None of the functions contained in this file have prototypes.


NameBrief Description
GetArtifactItemInternal function. Gets the Tag of a plot item for an quest in the Official Campaign
GetPlotTagInternal function. Retrieves the plot tag for a specific quest.
GlobalInternal function. Returns an object stored locally on the calling object that holds quest related state information.
PlayerHasArtifactItemInternal function. Checks if a PC has the artifact item.
SetArtifactItemInternal function. Stores the tag of the artifact item in a local string.
SetGlobalInternal function. Sets where all the globals for a plot are going to be stored.
SetPlotTagInternal function. Specifies the name of the item used in the Artifact plot line in the Original Campaign.
TakeArtifactItemInternal function. Removes the item returned by GetArtifactItem from the player's inventory.

 author: Charles Feduke, editor: Mistress