
Library for plotgiver NPCs.

NOTE: This file includes x0_i0_common.


NameValueBrief Description
QUEST_COMPLETE2Quest status.
QUEST_NOT_TAKEN0Quest status.
sQuestItemSuffix_QISuffix tacked on to the quest item for this NPC.
sQuestSuffix_QSuffix tacked on for quest status.
sQuestVarnameQUEST_STATUSVariable on NPC monitoring quest status.
sPlotItemSuffix_PISuffix tacked on to the plot item for this NPC.
sRewardItemSuffix_RISuffix tacked on to the reward item for this NPC.


NameBrief Description
GetPlotItemTagReturns the plot item's tag
GetQuestItemTagReturns the quest item's tag.
GetQuestStatusReturns a PC's quest status.
GetQuestTagGets the giver's quest tag.
GetQuestVarnameGets the NPC's local variable name for the given quest.
GetRewardItemTagReturns the reward item tag.
GiveQuestItemCreate the quest item on the player.
GiveRewardItemCreates a reward item on the PC.
HasPlotItemChecks the PC's party for an item.
HasQuestItemChecks if the PC's party possesses a given quest item.
HasRewardItemChecks the PC's party for the reward item.
SetOnQuestSets that a PC has taken a quest
SetQuestDoneSets a quest as finished or done.
TakePlotItemTake the plot item from oPC's party.
TakeQuestItemRemoves a quest item from a PC's party.

 author: Charles Feduke, editor: Mistress