Library for plotgiver NPCs.NOTE: This file includes x0_i0_common.
Name | Value | Brief Description | QUEST_COMPLETE | 2 | Quest status. | QUEST_COMPLETE_OTHER | 3 | Quest status. | QUEST_IN_PROGRESS | 1 | Quest status. | QUEST_NOT_TAKEN | 0 | Quest status. | sQuestItemSuffix | _QI | Suffix tacked on to the quest item for this NPC. | sQuestSuffix | _Q | Suffix tacked on for quest status. | sQuestVarname | QUEST_STATUS | Variable on NPC monitoring quest status. | sPlotItemSuffix | _PI | Suffix tacked on to the plot item for this NPC. | sRewardItemSuffix | _RI | Suffix tacked on to the reward item for this NPC. |
Name | Brief Description |
GetPlotItemTag | Returns the plot item's tag |
GetQuestItemTag | Returns the quest item's tag. |
GetQuestStatus | Returns a PC's quest status. |
GetQuestTag | Gets the giver's quest tag. |
GetQuestVarname | Gets the NPC's local variable name for the given quest. |
GetRewardItemTag | Returns the reward item tag. |
GiveQuestItem | Create the quest item on the player. |
GiveRewardItem | Creates a reward item on the PC. |
HasPlotItem | Checks the PC's party for an item. |
HasQuestItem | Checks if the PC's party possesses a given quest item. |
HasRewardItem | Checks the PC's party for the reward item. |
SetOnQuest | Sets that a PC has taken a quest |
SetQuestDone | Sets a quest as finished or done. |
TakePlotItem | Take the plot item from oPC's party. |
TakeQuestItem | Removes a quest item from a PC's party. |
author: Charles Feduke, editor: Mistress