Alignment Function Category

Functions that deal with alignment.


NameBrief Description
AdjustAlignmentAdjusts the alignment of a creature.
AdjustAlignmentOnAllAdjusts the alignment of the party.
AutoAlignEAdjusts the alignment of the object towards evil, relative to the degree indicated.
AutoAlignGAdjusts the alignment of the object towards good, relative to the degree indicated.
GetAlignmentGoodEvilDetermines the disposition of a creature.
GetAlignmentLawChaosDetermines the ethos of a given creature.
GetFactionAverageGoodEvilAlignmentGet the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Good/Evil alignment
GetFactionAverageLawChaosAlignmentGet the average number (between 0 and 100 inclusive) of the all objects within the object's faction that represents the Law/Chaos alignment
GetGoodEvilValueDetermines a creature's relative good/evil rating.
GetLawChaosValueUsed to find an object's law/chaos value.
GetReactionAdjustmentGets the adjusted Reaction for the purposes of store pricing.
VersusAlignmentEffectSet eEffect to be versus a specific alignment.

See Also

Function Categories