Encounter Function Category

Functions used to deal with encounters.


NameBrief Description
ActionCreateUsed to encapsulate CreateObject allowing this function to be added to the action stack.
GetEncounterActiveGets a TRUE or FALSE value depending on whether the encounter has spawned and is active.
GetEncounterDifficultyGet the difficulty level of the encounter.
GetEncounterSpawnsCurrentGet the number of times that the encounter has spawned so far.
GetEncounterSpawnsMaxGet the maximum number of times that oEncounter will spawn.
GetEnteringObjectGets the object that last opened or entered the calling object.
GetExitingObjectGet the object that last left the calling object.
GetIsEncounterCreatureDetermines whether a creature was spawned from an encounter.
SetEncounterActiveSets an encounter to active or inactive.
SetEncounterDifficultySets the difficulty level of an encounter.
SetEncounterSpawnsCurrentSets the number of times that an encounter has spawned.
SetEncounterSpawnsMaxSets the maximum number of times that an encounter can spawn.

See Also

Function Categories