Perception Function Category
Functions that deal with perception.
Name | Brief Description |
CanSeePlayer | Determines if a creature can see a PC. |
DetermineEnemies | Returns number of enemies perceived and their combined levels. |
GetCanSeePC | Determines if a creature can see a PC. |
GetFactionLeastDamagedMember | Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the fewest hit points of damage. |
GetFactionMostDamagedMember | Get the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage. |
GetLastPerceived | Determines the last perceived creature in an OnPerception event. |
GetLastPerceptionHeard | Determines if the last perceived object was heard. |
GetLastPerceptionInaudible | Gets the last perceived object which can no longer be heard. |
GetLastPerceptionSeen | Determines if the last perceived object was seen. |
GetLastPerceptionVanished | Determines the last perceived creature has vanished. |
GetNearestSeenOrHeardEnemy | Determines closest visual creature and determines the closest heard creature. |
GetObjectHeard | Determines if an object can hear another object. |
GetObjectSeen | Determines whether an object sees another object. |
GetTrapFlagged | Determine if a specific trap has been set as visible to all creatures. |
See Also
author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Kolyana, Mistress