Perception Function Category

Functions that deal with perception.


NameBrief Description
CanSeePlayerDetermines if a creature can see a PC.
DetermineEnemiesReturns number of enemies perceived and their combined levels.
GetCanSeePCDetermines if a creature can see a PC.
GetFactionLeastDamagedMemberGet the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the fewest hit points of damage.
GetFactionMostDamagedMemberGet the member of oFactionMember's faction that has taken the most hit points of damage.
GetLastPerceivedDetermines the last perceived creature in an OnPerception event.
GetLastPerceptionHeardDetermines if the last perceived object was heard.
GetLastPerceptionInaudibleGets the last perceived object which can no longer be heard.
GetLastPerceptionSeenDetermines if the last perceived object was seen.
GetLastPerceptionVanishedDetermines the last perceived creature has vanished.
GetNearestSeenOrHeardEnemyDetermines closest visual creature and determines the closest heard creature.
GetObjectHeardDetermines if an object can hear another object.
GetObjectSeenDetermines whether an object sees another object.
GetTrapFlaggedDetermine if a specific trap has been set as visible to all creatures.

See Also

Function Categories

 author: NWN Lexicon Group, editor: Kolyana, Mistress