
Determines the last creature that an attempted attack was made on.

object GetAttemptedAttackTarget();


Get the target that the caller attempted to attack - this should be used in conjunction with GetAttackTarget(). This value is set every time an attack is made, and is reset at the end of combat.
Returns OBJECT_INVALID if the caller is not a valid creature.


Set by attempting to attack somebody, just adding an attack action will set this. The default end of round script clears attack actions if the object loses their target.



See Also

functions: ActionAttack | CheckFriendlyFireOnTarget | GetAttackCompatibility | GetAttackTarget | GetIsFighting | GetIsInCombat
categories: Combat Information Functions | Targeting Functions
events: OnPhysicalAttacked Event

 author: Jody Fletcher, editor: Charles Feduke, additional contributor(s): Jon McCarty, Noel Borstad