
Checks for the special tactics flags and chooses tactics appropriately for each.

int SpecialTactics(
    object oTarget



The "enemy" target of our tactics.


Checks for the special tactics flags and chooses tactics appropriately for each.

Note that only one special tactics flag should be applied to a single creature for the most part!

Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

The possible flags are:


#include "x0_i0_combat"




// Lets' check to see if we have any condition set, if we do then we should do the tactics.
#include "x0_i0_combat"

void main()
   // Get the last enemy to damage us.
   object oEnemy = GetLastDamager(); 
   // This should check the caller for any X0_COMBAT_FLAG_* settings.
   // If such settings exist, it should call an execution of special tactics associated with that set condition.
   // If that call to special tactics returns TRUE. Then this will return TRUE, else if either of the above is 
   // false this will return FALSE.

See Also

functions:  GetCombatCondition | SpecialTacticsAmbusher | SpecialTacticsCowardly | SpecialTacticsDefensive | SpecialTacticsRanged
categories:  Combat Functions | Combat Actions Functions | Get Data from Creature Functions

author: Baragg, editor: Mistress